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Im bloody bored today. I don't know..I just dont know what is there to do or if there is anything for me to do, I just..don't WANT to do. It's just one of those sluggish moments where I have no freakin' idea what to do with my life even though I may have some 'jobs' for myself to do. For example, start with my room cleaning regime. But I managed to blog an entry about us being too selfish. Okay, I didn't EXACTLY talk about that but sometimes, isn't that so true that we think too much for ourselves and we expect our kindness to be returned or if not, happy writing to the forums.

As I was a bit 'stumped' over what issues I can blog about which resulted me in buying the Sunday Paper for ideas (Im THAT desperate), I thought about something. You see, I don't have children and uhm..not intending to have one in the near future too no matter how much my friends and colleagues are into the 'I want a baby!' mode but I am not against them. YES, they do drive you up the wall especially those overly demanding ones with the 'I' word in every short phrases and sentences they talk. If they're not the wordy sort, some are the attitude sort that create a scene just so that the parents will eventually give in and they get what they want with the false tears they shed. But really, they are just children who are very the emotional sometimes, or emo in short. For myself, those very young kids who cry and scream at the same time while rolling on the dirty floor, for example the dirt and gravel covered bus stop flooring, while the parents look on with amusement as if it is the most thrilling moments of their THAT..drives me up the wall. Some kids have this funny way of showing their attitude and you cannot blame them entirely for behaving like that because it is just their nature. But it is the parents' duty to tell such a child to put a stop in it or be prepared to face embarassing moments like that every now and then because they think it is 'okay' to put on this sort of attitude.

Now why the heck am I talking about those little brats..I because it is very seldom that I see parents, especially the young parents, scolding their child. I am not encouraging such parents to create a scene by spanking their child in the middle of a public place. But really...can't you say or do something about it and not let him or her scream and shout for as long as our tortured ears can bear with them while you just 'pretend' that he or she is playing with the favourite toy? I mean..don't you feel embarassed that people are looking on and I tell you that you may be amused but we are not our peace has been interrupted.

Look, I know I am not a parent and what do I know about bringing up a child except becoming like a guardian to my young brother. But come on, can't you open your mouth and tell the screaming child to, you know, put a sock in it by giving him this one hard stern look that you mean business? IF he still refused to be ruffled by your hard stare, then just do what you're supposed to do which you think is the right way of disciplining him rather than to laugh and look elsewhere and hoping that the child will stop crying, screaming and rolling on the floor all at the same time. I know you probably don't care about the people around you thinking that people like us should mind our own business. But if you want us to put ourselves in your shoes, you should do the same too and try to think that is it worth giving in to your child by letting him do what he wants to do so long as people never open their mouth to say anything.

I dont look down on parents and it is not easy sometimes to tell off a child and then he can put on a pair of deaf ears. What is worse if the parent is all alone and the child is creating a scene that he or she wishes that this is not happening in public. BUT please...just do something instead of being amused. Instead of raising your voice to show who is in authority, you're consolling the child with speaking words and hope that he can hear you out amidst his screamings to stop with his poor behaviour. Do you seriously want him to grow up to be a demanding child and can call you stupid and tell YOU off instead? Believe me, I have seen this kind of behaviours many times being in this line of work like what...he or she..your buddy or what? Can scold you or be rude to a stranger while you just look on or refuse to take action because guess's none of our business? Look, if you don't want us to ridicule you as a parent by saying that we don't know how hard it can be to take care of a wild child, then show to your child at least that you can be hard on the kid if he chooses to be hard on you. Show your child who's boss! Come can do it. Don't give them face all the time lah..i know they can be cute and adorable but bad behaviour in public? That's not cute and adorable.

You know what? Some things do amuse me. A child running in a food court is okay. A child falling and cutting her forehead by a sharp edge in the food court is not okay. Instead of telling the child first and foremost the danger of running in a crowded foodcourt, you BLAME the foodcourt for having sharp edges in the first place. WHAT THE FISH?!

Let me establish some facts. Running anywhere crowded or full of furniture. Not okay. It is NOT cute. It is DANGEROUS. You don't expect every nooks and crannies of every public places, especially where there can be a lot of people, to be child proofed?! Please lah...such places are not the ultimate playground for your child. Then if they get hurt, you play the blame game and everyone has to listen out to your woes and then start prisoning their children at home where things are relatively 'safer'. If your child runs around in the room, fall down and hit his head against the wall causing a swelling on his forehead, do you blame yourself for buying such an 'unsafe' home? Pfft...get a life lah.

When they construct a mall for instance, they just make sure that it is attractive enough for the crowd, have enough shops for people to browse and buy, spacious enough for people to walk around and basically be truly awed by the architecture inside and out. If the edges happened to be sharp because of the design they created for, let's say as part of a modern outlook, their objective is to make the whole place gorgeous and spacious enough to keep making people come back and feel right at home. Gawd.........I tell you in the article, she didn't mention how WRONG it was for her to let her RUN in the foodcourt and from the way she was telling what happened, the child was pretty far away from her as she had to run to make her way back. Alamak, cari pasal aje..(create self trouble only) especially when she runs the risk of being labelled an irresponsible mother who is just being her selfish self gorging on the food not caring where was the location of her child or children. Then have the cheek to write in the forum to warn parents of such places which should not have such edges that are sharp.

Tsk....the only good thing I can make out of this situation is how much lesser families with young children will be taken out on outings because of the many hidden dangers out there in the shopping malls like the escalators and sharp wall edges. Looks like it is happy spacious shopping for me once I get my bonus this Tuesday. Hoorah!


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