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mango here I go

Quick post cum update! pretty much done with my shopping and I actually spent less than 200 dollars. The only conclusive reasons were that the things I bought were on sale. Perfect! Saves me the money..haha..and yes, after a long period of anticipation, I finally got the chance to go the Mango Sales. Yipee! Me and my colleague went straight after work and we went to the second nearest outlet at the marina square.

when we were almost reaching the boutique, we didn't see anyone leaving with bags of mango stuffs and there didn't seem to be a crowd at all. But come nearer, there was a crowd but based on our experience, it wasn't a big crowd where you would be practically jostling for space or waiting behind some goondu to hurry up with her choice of clothes. And erm...pls lah, if your boyfriend/fiancee/husband is not going to give you your two cents' worth on the pieces you chose, leave him at home or somewhere else to loiter. Take up space only. But ah, hehe...the boyfriendS of this crowd handsome sey...gawd slap me for looking at them for they were so fine! And me being ever the fast shopper was done in under ten minutes because I went there with a budget of 5o dollars and this time, I was planning to not exceed it by ten dollars. I mean, it was not because that ten dollars was so big but I did not want to end up with purchases that I would not quite wear coz somehow rather I wouldn't feel like wearing it but bought it JUST because it happened to be in my size. Don't worry I confuse myself sometimes so in other words....50 means 50!!! Close the chapter! hehe....I amuse myself sometimes too amidst the confusion.

so there I was, making painful decisions every now and then trying to 'weigh' the value of the different basic shirts I picked up and a clutch handbag. Haiz, it was SOOOoooOO tough trying to see which ones I really really need and which ones I needed to put back. I tell you, during a huge sales like this, EVERYTHING i picked up looked logical enough for me to purchase but I had to do my calculations with my handphone. Therefore, while people were busy walking around the shop happily browsing the items, I walked around calculating if I overbudgeted. Tsk, almost everytime I would strike almost 60 which was what I had always been paying but tonight, I was determined to bring it to 50 and it was no mean feat. But my colleague who spent a hundred over dollars during their last sales and was determined to spend much less than that, she ended up with just one item. I mean, on one hand I would understand her problems because nowadays her fashion sense veered towards something 'different' and also a bit sexy while Im fine with the shirt type tops with long and short sleeves.

And yah, another problem is because she seems to have so many new tops nowadays with each one looking different than the other for every single day that I guess, the seemingly ordinary looking ones which she used to adore and be of the same wavelength as me..dia tak pandang or she doesn't quite find them appealing anymore. So would have been a fun together gether shopping trip with each of us sharing opinions but we only exchanged opinions briefly at times for merely three times. I bought three different kinds of tops after a long thinking and uhm..sacrifing 'doubtful' tops every and then *sobs*

But it's okaylah I suppose. In the first place, I felt bloated because these past two months, I had been eating all sorts of food so I scared later cannot fit liaoz...hehe. When I tried at home, everything looked okay but around the tummy area became more pudgy looking because the skirt I wore 'cuts' me off in the middle because it is a bit tight la the skirt emphasizing on my 'roundness' especially the mid section. YES I KNOW...just mere excuses..hehe.

Anyway, Im glad I succeeded in maintaining the budget that in total, I only had to top up by a dollar. Im happy for me...for fighting against the 'buy buy' spirit..kekeke.. Keep it up, Rahayu! chey...shameless woman! haha....


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