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Bloated. I just discovered the ACTUAL cause of my stomachache + bloatedness. No, it's not the frapuccino that I was complaining about. It was the darn chili sauce that had way too much vinegar added into it. My mum just highlighted that to me because it was the very cause of my previous stomachache which did not linger on and on like this one but it had around the same nauseating impact on me which I had on Friday. I don't know which one was worse because they were both as bad but the second one has lingering effects till now as Im typing this out. OOooorrff....pain sia..Morning I would be okay and my tummy will look like usual but the minute I put food into it, that's it. The bloatedness will come in gradual forms till it's inflated and breathing/sucking in/sucking out is difficult. It feels like someone puts a rubber band round my waist and I can't do much about it because basically it stays in that shape or I'll risk breaking the rubber band but at the same time Im feeling as though Im squeezed through and through. Yes, Im that fragile right now.

I mean, bloatedness is one thing while stupidity is another. I knew I could not eat the chili sauce at this particular eating place which is another building opposite my working place. Sidetracking a little here, wooh..a lot of policemen there and plainclothes CID officers. Handsome bunch of people...haiz....seriously considering of working there with the condition I get to mingle with them..heh heh. If not, FORGET IT. By the way, why stupidity? Because I knew that chili sauce gave me hell the other time and I still ate it thinking that narh, that was quite some time ago. And one time at Starbucks, I had frapuccino and it gave me hell too and guess what? I still drank that bloody thing! And in typical malay slang..'Cari Pasal!' My mum was exasperated already because as usual, she would be the one hearing me moaning in pain and calling her name several times during the excruciating moments. She would taunt and me and say, 'eat some more lah, people tell you not to eat, you eat. This is what happen lah to people who don't listen.' Yes, mummy...sorry sorry....won't do it again..haiz..................

Anyway, I went Seoul Garden again today on the request of my friend. Even though I just started back this diet thingey, from the start, it didn't go very well but I think it's just the initial phase of adjusting because I have yet to go about my usual bantering of 'this is too fattening..this one too oily...' mindset but there are changes like I was getting into the groove of lessening the quantities and not eating unnecessarily. But I guessed I had to make the exception today in regards to my cutting down of food intake regime for my friend. Seriously, I put on weight and when it was just one or two kilos, I could tolerate but when I started to notice physical changes, that was when trouble started brewing for me as clothes don't fit me as well as before especially the middle region like the butt and the tummy. Usual place for females to put on weight. But it's okay...I's not okaylah to put on weight..but for now, Im going to keep off weighing machines for awhile in order to stop myself from getting any more depressed and start to look after my well being instead. Seriously, it is not about looking attractive or to hook myself up with a boyfriend-to-be but purely for health reasons. As far as Im concerned, I have not moved out of the unhealthy BMI or body mass index. Im two points away but it is taking me FOREVER to move up the two points. Anyhoo, whatever it is, I dont think it's too late for me to 'save' myself because it only gives me an excuse to consume much less than before the next few days in order to balance out the huge quantities of food I ate just now.

I want to thank my friend for the lovely gifts and they are great pressies, in case shes wondering if they are good enough for me. ANyway, I accept anything especially $$$ don't worry girl. ;P Oh, and even second hand goods. Seriously....

I am not able to blog that much today like my missing-in-action blogging yesterday too. Im not at a comfortable level with my tummy right now. Well, I shall update as and when for now.


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