Today afternoon, I spent the next half of my working day calculating the statistics of the different cases of eye conditions. RIiiiiiGggghhtt..............okay, half an hour. I spent my afternoon after lunch hour just doing nothing except reading magazines and then contemplating on what I want to do for the rest of the day. On one half, I felt so so so unproductive while on the other half, I felt so liberated from the office. Except for 'some' people who obviously tak sedar diri or totally unaware of themselves of the previous position they used to be in prior to being posted to their current work post, nobody likes to be in my department. It's just totally incorrigible. Enough about the imbeciles. Anyhoo, if there's work to keep me busy, it would usually be project work and dare I say this, gawd I hate to be at people's emergency button WITHOUT even them trying first. Tsk, one of the things I am simply irritated by (which they can't tell coz Im so ever the 'willing' to help) is when people call me over the simplest task like getting rid of the text box which they do not want out of their powerpoint slide. There IS such a thing called 'delete' button, you know. But narh, I don't hold it against them. Just click and press the darn button and off I go minding my own business while I can I hear them saying..'huh? thats it? And we can't figure it out'.
Regarding the project work, can ask my help lah and infact you can ask anybody's help because this is supposed to be projectwork. I started off with no knowledge but because we all want the job done asap, we have to put our brain power together. Actually, Im glad that after a long while, they do get the idea and it is nice to see this people and that people contributing ideas for group discussion. Like come on, we don't have to be geniuses. Like for myself, I have problems verbalising my ideas but if you give me a pen and paper, I can scribble down the ideas but because I don't think I want to waste people's time, I just give my thoughts in short forms like whatever I can verbalise, I let them know and uhm...they put the pieces together..hehe..and thankfully, in any case it lets people think. I just hate it when people keep putting themselves down that they don't have any ideas so they say they'll keep quiet because they're not smart enough. Ideas don't come just like that...I understand that part and sometimes, we do have things to say but we're just afraid that they may not be good enough or people may not like it. Initially, it can be hard to try and fit in but after awhile, it may not be so bad.
But what I don't understand much they like to complain about this person and that person like they themselves are the perfect human beings who don't care if the ones they complain about have helped them a lot in their work. I feel bad for these people who found out that this particular person has been saying bad things about them even though they can't stand her because she can be so freakin' stubborn because she just doesn't want to absorb and prefer to conveniently forget. You know how frustrating it can be when you teach someone over and over again but they just refuse to remember anything and have the cheek to tell somebody else..they have never been taught the thing before. Suck blood I tell ya! I know..coz hell, I am one of the 'victims'!
And if not for the backing of my other peers, I would have become yet another convenient scapegoat for this assholic of a leader of the project who assigned me to do up the entire survey WITHOUT discussion in just a day. I have to think so hard over it and I knew that it was not perfect yet and just needed some more input from the rest of the members. But no.....I was asked to print the whole thing and my peers helped to distribute and I didn't feel good coz if anything goes wrong, of course people will turn to me coz guess what? I did it what. But Im not gonna be easily victimised and I let them know that I did the survey all by myself so they'd better not go after me if they're not happy over some of the questions coz the LEADER didn't go through them at all.
I knew the attitude of the leader well enough and infact, everybody knows how she is. So Im thankful in a way that they do back me up especially when the last meeting when I was not around for I was on leave, she said that it was me who did the survey and dunno lah how I did when the facilitator was saying that the survey questions looked rather incomplete. Of course lah! It was a draft what!
Whatever...anyway, one of them was kind enough to let me know what went on and I told her..yah..I expected that especially when it was coming from her. And the funny thing was that when the facilitator was giving her share of opinions, she had the cheek to tell her that she can do the post survey herself since she has the ideas! EH, she okay or not?!!! what I say, whatever lah woman.
Anyway, it's back to the hellhole a.k.a office coz of someone's brilliant idea (dont want to comment about this yet another imbecile) and I did a bit of cleaning up last Saturday and today. Lucky I didn't start off with many things in the cubicle and I *sob* am gonna miss my solitary moments there even though it did drive me mad at times. If not for the children and their parents who come in during their appointments, it could have turn for the worse if I had talked to myself instead to keep me occupied with a non existent social life there. But their numbers have been declining as the field visits came to a close and that was where I was often 'stuck' and kept thinking about how much of my precious time I have been wasting and doing my own things half heartedly.
Oh well, this least I would have things to do as me and some of colleagues including the ones Im close with, are going on a course. Woohoo! I would have dreaded any other lame courses my company puts me through to so-called increase productivity but this one? It's a writing course..hehe..perfect for me especially when I want to try my hands at becoming a freelance writer. Well, this course MAY turn out to be just as lame as the other courses but I'll do ANYTHING to NOT stay in the freakin' office surrounded by imbeciles.
HRm, after all that venting of anger session, I want to let you in on one of my hobbies that is almost coming to a close once I start re investing in the stick on photo albums next week: scrapbooking.
Now this project which covers my 21st birthday and my fren's birthdays are LONG overdue but Im glad that Im down to the last crucial album..phewh! Some snapshots:
Im gonna start a new chapter chronicling my life since last year as I step into my mid twenties. I have to start reorganizing the photos in my pc. And I just cleared my computer of unwanted junks! one says being an IT geek is difficult...
Regarding the project work, can ask my help lah and infact you can ask anybody's help because this is supposed to be projectwork. I started off with no knowledge but because we all want the job done asap, we have to put our brain power together. Actually, Im glad that after a long while, they do get the idea and it is nice to see this people and that people contributing ideas for group discussion. Like come on, we don't have to be geniuses. Like for myself, I have problems verbalising my ideas but if you give me a pen and paper, I can scribble down the ideas but because I don't think I want to waste people's time, I just give my thoughts in short forms like whatever I can verbalise, I let them know and uhm...they put the pieces together..hehe..and thankfully, in any case it lets people think. I just hate it when people keep putting themselves down that they don't have any ideas so they say they'll keep quiet because they're not smart enough. Ideas don't come just like that...I understand that part and sometimes, we do have things to say but we're just afraid that they may not be good enough or people may not like it. Initially, it can be hard to try and fit in but after awhile, it may not be so bad.
But what I don't understand much they like to complain about this person and that person like they themselves are the perfect human beings who don't care if the ones they complain about have helped them a lot in their work. I feel bad for these people who found out that this particular person has been saying bad things about them even though they can't stand her because she can be so freakin' stubborn because she just doesn't want to absorb and prefer to conveniently forget. You know how frustrating it can be when you teach someone over and over again but they just refuse to remember anything and have the cheek to tell somebody else..they have never been taught the thing before. Suck blood I tell ya! I know..coz hell, I am one of the 'victims'!
And if not for the backing of my other peers, I would have become yet another convenient scapegoat for this assholic of a leader of the project who assigned me to do up the entire survey WITHOUT discussion in just a day. I have to think so hard over it and I knew that it was not perfect yet and just needed some more input from the rest of the members. But no.....I was asked to print the whole thing and my peers helped to distribute and I didn't feel good coz if anything goes wrong, of course people will turn to me coz guess what? I did it what. But Im not gonna be easily victimised and I let them know that I did the survey all by myself so they'd better not go after me if they're not happy over some of the questions coz the LEADER didn't go through them at all.
I knew the attitude of the leader well enough and infact, everybody knows how she is. So Im thankful in a way that they do back me up especially when the last meeting when I was not around for I was on leave, she said that it was me who did the survey and dunno lah how I did when the facilitator was saying that the survey questions looked rather incomplete. Of course lah! It was a draft what!
Whatever...anyway, one of them was kind enough to let me know what went on and I told her..yah..I expected that especially when it was coming from her. And the funny thing was that when the facilitator was giving her share of opinions, she had the cheek to tell her that she can do the post survey herself since she has the ideas! EH, she okay or not?!!! what I say, whatever lah woman.
Anyway, it's back to the hellhole a.k.a office coz of someone's brilliant idea (dont want to comment about this yet another imbecile) and I did a bit of cleaning up last Saturday and today. Lucky I didn't start off with many things in the cubicle and I *sob* am gonna miss my solitary moments there even though it did drive me mad at times. If not for the children and their parents who come in during their appointments, it could have turn for the worse if I had talked to myself instead to keep me occupied with a non existent social life there. But their numbers have been declining as the field visits came to a close and that was where I was often 'stuck' and kept thinking about how much of my precious time I have been wasting and doing my own things half heartedly.
Oh well, this least I would have things to do as me and some of colleagues including the ones Im close with, are going on a course. Woohoo! I would have dreaded any other lame courses my company puts me through to so-called increase productivity but this one? It's a writing course..hehe..perfect for me especially when I want to try my hands at becoming a freelance writer. Well, this course MAY turn out to be just as lame as the other courses but I'll do ANYTHING to NOT stay in the freakin' office surrounded by imbeciles.
HRm, after all that venting of anger session, I want to let you in on one of my hobbies that is almost coming to a close once I start re investing in the stick on photo albums next week: scrapbooking.
Now this project which covers my 21st birthday and my fren's birthdays are LONG overdue but Im glad that Im down to the last crucial album..phewh! Some snapshots:
Im gonna start a new chapter chronicling my life since last year as I step into my mid twenties. I have to start reorganizing the photos in my pc. And I just cleared my computer of unwanted junks! one says being an IT geek is difficult...