today marks the last day of the new year and hari raya haji holidays. sobz..Well, it has been fun. Yes, I do have my bored moments but it's part and parcel of holidays. Especially when im not out frolicking on the beach or shop till I drop. As exciting as a brand new year sounds, I have to be extra careful with my expenditures because a brand new year means a whole lot of things to consider, plan and save for. And I don't want to fall into a financial trap anymore.
Okay, one of the things which I did during the hols was to catch up on movies. Past movies that is, and I caught them all in dvd format. Interestingly, I did manage to catch one movie in the theatre because it was free. Im such a crybaby. I cry easily when i watch movies especially the scenes that moved me and if I had not coaxed myself hard or force myself to drink gulps of ice lemon tea that was illegally sneaked in, I would be crying buckets. Amidst the families and the children. Just because a spider was dying in the movie. Must be quite a scene itself seeing an adult crying while the children were wailing out of sheer boredom. At home, I like to watch past midnight when the family is sleeping because I get to watch in peace and yup, I get to cry as I please.
Anyway, if you want to try catching the same movies that I did, here's a very very short review:
Just Like Heaven - Reese Witherspoon and Mark Ruffalo
A romantic comedy that doesn't make sense but don't they all? Anyway, it's about this guy who moved into this rented apartment of whom the tenants didn't reveal the background of the place. Turned out that a spirit resides there but she doesn't know that she is not exactly human. As they tried to persuade each other to leave, unsuccessfully, they went on a path of discovery that even if your body is standing right here, sometimes you forget about the meaning of your life. For example, in the outside you may not show any signs of distress but in the inside, it is as though you are dead especially if you refuse to let go of what is in the past or have enough time for yourself before it is too late.
Actually, I think it is an interesting story line but halfway towards the show, it's a bit da boring but the show picks up the pace again later during the race against time. Still, I like Mark Ruffalo. He is such an understated actor but he can be the male version of a sweetie pie. It's like you will eventually choose him over a hot guy because he just oozes with sincerity that you will feel guilty if you leave him out in the rain.
Ice Age 2
I borrowed this because Ice Age 1 was hilarious! This one is crap. it's about how there is going to be a melt down of the Ice and the animals have to find a safe spot before they will all eventually drown in the flood. A bit like Noah's Ark except the animals here were more weird looking. Read: monster-like. It's still funny but halfway through, you just hope the movie ends quickly. And they're gonna have Ice Age 3?! Don't they ever read the movie reviews?
Click! - Adam Sandler, Kate Beckinsale, Christopher Walken, David Hasselhoff
I would say not bad for this movie. Adam Sandler can be hilarious in one moment and serious in another. And I think he performed both sides very well and the audience members, including me who cried during the tear jerking scenes, felt so in sync with his character as if we were there rooting for him or booing him because he was so convincing. It's basically about how this guy got himself a universal remote control which controls everything from the lights, the tv, the garage and everything because he didn't want to waste time finding the right remote for each and every one of them. His work overtook his personal life as he went all out to get a promotion because it would mean garnering a partnership with his boss to give his family a more comfortable living. Only thing is that he forgot his family needed him even if they don't own a kick ass car or the children have to always be in awe of their neighbour's son who could not stop boasting about his family's expensive purchases. Things went out of control when the remote started fast forwarding on its own and he found that every time it stopped, things got worse and worse until he started losing touch with his family and his own parents. That was the saddest part.
Anyway, I like the so called inventor of the universal remote control..haha...he just kept appearing out of nowhere. He looked like a subdued mad scientist but he would reveal his true identity later when Adam Sandler's character came to a breaking point.
If you ask me to choose which is the movie I like most, I think it is Click. Very typical setting of a man who needed to be taught a life lesson but the message was very strong despite the hilarious moments.
STiLL, I will only say it once and I will probably end up saying movie of the year of 2006 is Brokeback Mountain. Why? Simple. I support gay love.'s because it touched me completely and the unusual storyline boasts of a love so strong yet so wrong that it is celebrated only within the confines of the mountains because obviously the mountains cannot talk back at them including the sheep grazing on the grass.
Anyway, so that's it. The end of the long holidays marks the end of my vcd rental days. Well, at least until the next long holiday weekend. Happy working and schooling people!
today marks the last day of the new year and hari raya haji holidays. sobz..Well, it has been fun. Yes, I do have my bored moments but it's part and parcel of holidays. Especially when im not out frolicking on the beach or shop till I drop. As exciting as a brand new year sounds, I have to be extra careful with my expenditures because a brand new year means a whole lot of things to consider, plan and save for. And I don't want to fall into a financial trap anymore.
Okay, one of the things which I did during the hols was to catch up on movies. Past movies that is, and I caught them all in dvd format. Interestingly, I did manage to catch one movie in the theatre because it was free. Im such a crybaby. I cry easily when i watch movies especially the scenes that moved me and if I had not coaxed myself hard or force myself to drink gulps of ice lemon tea that was illegally sneaked in, I would be crying buckets. Amidst the families and the children. Just because a spider was dying in the movie. Must be quite a scene itself seeing an adult crying while the children were wailing out of sheer boredom. At home, I like to watch past midnight when the family is sleeping because I get to watch in peace and yup, I get to cry as I please.
Anyway, if you want to try catching the same movies that I did, here's a very very short review:
Just Like Heaven - Reese Witherspoon and Mark Ruffalo
A romantic comedy that doesn't make sense but don't they all? Anyway, it's about this guy who moved into this rented apartment of whom the tenants didn't reveal the background of the place. Turned out that a spirit resides there but she doesn't know that she is not exactly human. As they tried to persuade each other to leave, unsuccessfully, they went on a path of discovery that even if your body is standing right here, sometimes you forget about the meaning of your life. For example, in the outside you may not show any signs of distress but in the inside, it is as though you are dead especially if you refuse to let go of what is in the past or have enough time for yourself before it is too late.
Actually, I think it is an interesting story line but halfway towards the show, it's a bit da boring but the show picks up the pace again later during the race against time. Still, I like Mark Ruffalo. He is such an understated actor but he can be the male version of a sweetie pie. It's like you will eventually choose him over a hot guy because he just oozes with sincerity that you will feel guilty if you leave him out in the rain.
Ice Age 2
I borrowed this because Ice Age 1 was hilarious! This one is crap. it's about how there is going to be a melt down of the Ice and the animals have to find a safe spot before they will all eventually drown in the flood. A bit like Noah's Ark except the animals here were more weird looking. Read: monster-like. It's still funny but halfway through, you just hope the movie ends quickly. And they're gonna have Ice Age 3?! Don't they ever read the movie reviews?
Click! - Adam Sandler, Kate Beckinsale, Christopher Walken, David Hasselhoff
I would say not bad for this movie. Adam Sandler can be hilarious in one moment and serious in another. And I think he performed both sides very well and the audience members, including me who cried during the tear jerking scenes, felt so in sync with his character as if we were there rooting for him or booing him because he was so convincing. It's basically about how this guy got himself a universal remote control which controls everything from the lights, the tv, the garage and everything because he didn't want to waste time finding the right remote for each and every one of them. His work overtook his personal life as he went all out to get a promotion because it would mean garnering a partnership with his boss to give his family a more comfortable living. Only thing is that he forgot his family needed him even if they don't own a kick ass car or the children have to always be in awe of their neighbour's son who could not stop boasting about his family's expensive purchases. Things went out of control when the remote started fast forwarding on its own and he found that every time it stopped, things got worse and worse until he started losing touch with his family and his own parents. That was the saddest part.
Anyway, I like the so called inventor of the universal remote control..haha...he just kept appearing out of nowhere. He looked like a subdued mad scientist but he would reveal his true identity later when Adam Sandler's character came to a breaking point.
If you ask me to choose which is the movie I like most, I think it is Click. Very typical setting of a man who needed to be taught a life lesson but the message was very strong despite the hilarious moments.
STiLL, I will only say it once and I will probably end up saying movie of the year of 2006 is Brokeback Mountain. Why? Simple. I support gay love.'s because it touched me completely and the unusual storyline boasts of a love so strong yet so wrong that it is celebrated only within the confines of the mountains because obviously the mountains cannot talk back at them including the sheep grazing on the grass.
Anyway, so that's it. The end of the long holidays marks the end of my vcd rental days. Well, at least until the next long holiday weekend. Happy working and schooling people!