There is one person in my life that has me fixated since mid 2004 and will remain so in my heart for the longest time. It will be longer than every stupid crushes I have or will have. Even though he has his fair share of critics (hrmph..jealousy brewing) and a bevy of *pukes* beauties *pukes* as his leading ladies which alas, never lasted..(muahahaha!!), he will be the benchmark of any future guys I will get to know. But don't worry, no one will come as close as you. Cool, mysterious, intellectual, caring, soft spoken, with eyes so intensed and a good looker who is subjected to saying the lamest lines before the opening sequence, you have tugged my heartstrings and I will remember you forever even if the show ceases in which I will be damned if such a day comes. You taught me that love doesn't have to come in a cute package like some show with a guy prancing about in the prison but in a man with red hair, smart suit, black sunglasses...and erm..a revolver.
You, my dear....enjoy this day because it is your day and who cares if it is just a year past the big ol' half a century thingey of an age. Despite our 25 years of age gap, I have never felt so far away from you as I continue to be mesmerised by every word you say and every hope you give to people whether they are found guilty by the society or in the eyes of the court. You have made a comeback, a believable comeback, that you are definitely here to stay and television is your place. And yet again I say, in my heart, from the first time you struck a chord in me.
With that, I want to wish you a

You, my dear....enjoy this day because it is your day and who cares if it is just a year past the big ol' half a century thingey of an age. Despite our 25 years of age gap, I have never felt so far away from you as I continue to be mesmerised by every word you say and every hope you give to people whether they are found guilty by the society or in the eyes of the court. You have made a comeback, a believable comeback, that you are definitely here to stay and television is your place. And yet again I say, in my heart, from the first time you struck a chord in me.
With that, I want to wish you a
