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Body Proportions

Thought of doing this quick update. I told my friend earlier, I am so SMITTEN by this mysterious guy at the MRT and today, I took the chance of boarding the earlier train. Dunno why, suddenly Im so freakin' early despite a hairwash in the morning and mum packing lunch for me. And maybe God was on my side and guess He smacked the back of my 'go take the bloody train!' even though I didn't feel like taking it coz I'd be a wee bit early for work. DOn't mind a bit strange. So sighz..since the door beckoned, jz go lah..inside..then suddenly i thought that hey.....maybe, just maybe...since last Friday I didn't see that mysterious guy at the MRT, probably because he took the earlier train. So there I was, trying to be all 'cheery' for taking the earlier train with the hope of seeing him.


And so I did..wahey! Thank U God for making my day and of there, O mysterious man, of whom today I only managed to see your back while you walked sloppily and eh, is that a laptop you're carrying?! Or maybe just your bag. Btw, why the HELL are you carrying that red big plastic bag like bag 'pasar pasar' and if I didn't know it was YOU, I would have laughed my head off at this weird combination of your work attire and this eyesore. WHY...why oh why..must you do this to me? But then ah, it did show me one thing though. You're the sort who doesn't mind about what other dimwits, like me, thinks with you carrying that plastic bag which takes away your manhood in a jiffy. I can't even hear you talk when someone called you and I was less than a  metre away..what the. It's like..'mumble mumble mumble..bye'. Okay, I added that 'bye' for courtesy's sake. Heck, if I got to know this person, it will be great provided he maintains that sort of mysterious vibe or shy personality, because he will be the most pleasant guy to talk to coz nowadays, majority of guys are just so loud or kepo-ish akin to a woman. Like..GAH..they talk so much that you wish they'd just zip it like their fly.


Oh, rahayu has the pleasure of standing so freakin near him that I had a bit of problem breathing but then im already breathless..with envy...without such a close proximity..hehe. Like I told my friend how he looked before twice I think to make sure he didn't hit me. Oh! Oh! In the world of my imagination, the first glance was to make sure that yes..he didn't hit me..and the second was, it's that girl...*cue fireworks*. Either those two together or my body shop plastic bag containing lunch was hitting his leg a bit so he was giving me the stare..heh. Well, you were the one moving so close to me! NOt that I mind!


With that few seconds of close proximity, things ran through my head and my infamous 'do i look big standing beside him?' because that is often the case as yes, in reality..Singaporean guys are getting smaller and skinnier that most times, you can roughly say they are of the same size as their girlfriend but they are just taller. Sad, what have they been eating. And because Im quite tall and an average singaporean guy is roughly around my height but of course, will be easier for people to pinpoint that Im bigger than when I am short coz the guy will look 'bigger' coz he is taller looking and you'll always appear smaller than him. COnFuSed? Ya, Im very particular and thats why I like guys with a slightly broader upper body even if they may be shorter than me as I can escape from being bigger than him..haha. And this mysterious guy, yah...he has broad shoulders and the rest of him is well proportioned (remember I was trailing him from the back just now?) and tsk, now IM the who has to worry of my flabs coz apparently, he doesn't seem to have it from his proportioned body size! Tsk, the only 'thing' that I can be proud of my body is that im quite equally proportioned top and bottom like the top doesn't appear bigger than the bottom and vice versa because if that is the case, it will be inviting people to talk like 'eh, she's not fat but the stomach is flabby' or 'her waist is small and her legs are not that big but she is very top heavy'.  In other words my body's proportion is such that top flab=bottom flab. Heh..sicko.


Yes, that went on my mind in the morning for that five minutes with him around. When you're crushing on someone, all your logic gets thrown out of your windows. Im SO looking forward to taking the 7.31am train tomorrow~ yippee!!

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