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Planning Ahead


well i treated mariah out yesterday. went a bit overbudget but it's okay i guess. i wanted to eat this prawn dunno what pasta but they changed the menu already so bummer...the one that had white sauce but comes with seafood cost me 14 dollars and to think I dont even eat fish. As health conscious as I try to be..Im not just 'big' on fish..heh..lousy. It was not what I wanted. But heck, since I wanted white sauce so much and it's definitely gonna be MONTHS ahead till my next breeks meal (if there is such an opportunity..)..oh what the hey. And to top it all off, I got myself a mango top which i have been harbouring such thoughts for months, but due to way too much distractions in between, I could not get one. So, finally I got myself a nice cute top in grey no less..which I had always wanted and it was going for 15 bucks only. I thought of getting one in blue but no rahayu.....dont count your luck so soon.

I've been watching my money outflow for the past one week because like what I said, it's always good to forsee our future purchases or use of money. It's not just a matter of 'oh okay, I'll get this pair of shoes for and so..' and then the next thing, I could have used that so and so amount of money for something else which I had forgotten about like for example, to get myself a body shop shampoo instead which conveniently run out at the last minute. Okay, not's something that i may have noticed but not taken note of and then got something else instead.

This time, I try not to make the boo hoo I made last month so now I have to try to think ahead. This week itself, I have to watch my budget again because my brother's birthday is coming up and he had asked for a treat at pizza hut. So this week's lunch, uhm.....let's just say....they have been pre packaged and will be placed at my room in the clinic the next day. I try not to look miserable as I eat and drink them.

But at least I dont have to eat the bread with mushroom slices on top some random days bought from the bakery opposite just coz it's healthier than others with chicken hotdogs or chicken ham. Before you get shocked, this is a halal bakery so no biggo there. Or at times, i will eat the wholemeal sandwich bought from the mini cafe of the polyclinic. But my lunch for this week, though it's simpler, I am actually okay with it's complete guilt free gives me energy. I am not able to eat rice during lunch during this attachment even though I think it is good that the coffee shop opposite this's one of the rare malay stores that sell a variety of vegetable dishes rather than just the typical oily dishes. Know why? Coz I have to meet parents and they dont want a half asleep temp cousellor telling them stuffs about their children's eye conditions! IF I can get a word out about it..or start rambling nonsense.

Anyway, I have the tendency to plan what I eat ahead of times, even for one week if there is an impending lunch date or dinner date with my friends or my family. And then, if I eat a lot on a particular day like maybe out with my friend or dinner with my family out of home, I will also be selective of what I eat the next few days also.

Haiz, lunch has to be planned yet again this week coz anyway...there is quite a lot to eat during the gathering at Nat's house this coming Saturday and my brother's birthday on Friday. So you's back to the drawing board again. Hello wheat crackers and milo. Great. I just revealed my lunch. Dinner is as per usual lah..two slices of wholemeal bread and a green apple. And only coz I get to top it up with nutella and crunchy skippy peanut butter. conscious my ass. Well at least I dont smother the slices..and my face with nobody's business.

No, I am not trying to be the next Nicole Richie. In case you notice, I eat. She doesnt. I told Mariah that we're gonna come there with a bang! And I dont mean just being fashionably late. That will never work for me. Late yes..fashionable? Never...coz I dont have that sort of potential..hehe..And Im not trying to show off yah boobies?? We're gonna be there looking good in what we're wearing and radiant coz if you eat right, you literally glow so we will feel good as well..and THEN..stuff our faces with the food..WHILE..looking good..heh. This is why I can never be anyone's advisor when it comes to healthy eating. I give wrong advice!

But one thing Im gonna be really shy shy about is...their reactions as you know...has been a year since we last met..unbelievable..we're not talking months here! Some..well..okaylah..months..but whatever it is, there is a huge tendency people like to compare and contrast. One obvious thing is of longer hair...haha..woohoo! NO more of that miserable short freakin bobs or short hair that makes me look like I have two buns for cheeks. how many more buns can I afford to have. PHysically, hrm..I will most prob be wearing a black boat neck top so if you're in black, there isn't much to see coz like in the first place, what figure can you see in black. It's not a LBD or little black dress.

Haiz, so many things to prepare! The top is gonna be a wee bit fitting coz it's supposed to be free size but you know the deal with free hugs your figure whatever shape you are! So I'll my best not to look 'bloated' that day..haha..

And the countdown begins.


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