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Singapore Idiots

Currently, there is a broadway  play in America called American Idiots which have rave reviews about suburban kids out there finding the meaning to their existence much like how the band Green Day displays in the lyrics of their songs. But Im here not to do a review on the show but to talk about....Singapore Idiots. No not the Singapore Idol but Singapore Idiots.

I know people who work in the customer service line sometimes takes crap from other people who are just out to create trouble for you because they think you are not worth their time talking nicely to and would rather be rude and obnoxious like you are some speck of dust instead of a human being. Unfortunately, I am also in this line but not to an extent I deal with the public members almost every day of my work life. Infact, despite having about 2000 kids in the school, I still think that they are quite a minority group of people to deal with compared to other people working in the government specifically in the customer service area. 

Well before you throw stones at me by thinking that I thought we have it easier, as a matter of fact, I don't think we don't. I still deal with sh*tty people and there are a few kinds and one of them I just encountered just now who just CANNOT understand that we do not know everything there is to know in terms of school administration. There are some things that are new to us because it's not our own school admin procedures but this parent kept on insisting up to a point he wanted to argue and be all nasty that we all should know. What bloody hell. So rude.

Anyway, I told  myself not to get worked up over this minute of a human 'imbecile' being and just not to shoot back angrily because I can blog about it and scold vulgarities later. Okay maybe not. We shouldn't spend too much time on such people who obviously WON'T listen to you no matter how justified you think your reasons are because to them, it doesn't matter. So why waste your time and breath, eh? I talked about that stupid idiot who was so sarcastic the last time and I really applaud my colleague's cool way of handling by ignoring her dumb ass comments and just be all professional by doing the necessary admin procedures. Then my other male colleague, who has a really short temper, also dealt with a nasty parent, after I refused to entertain his call after his rude ordering manner over the phone. He said nicely to him that the teacher was not contactable and when I think the parent was very insistent, he just put down the phone like 'oh, that's it' and just smile.

My boss also dealt with nasty people before and even though in the office, she would just out of nowhere blurt out instructions or just scream out of frustration. But when comes to nasty parents, she is rather calm and collected so as not to make matters worse. Still, she can be firm especially to one parent who is majorly demanding and treat the school like some kind of charity when he himself obviously has lack of respect towards us office people because we don't teach his sons. It's utter bullshit lah so one fine day, she gave the parent a piece of her mind by saying that the mother shouldn't go around disturbing the principal, vice principals, teachers and office staff just for the reimbursement of the spectacles that the school has kindly agreed to reimburse. Because payment processes take awhile, the parent's impatience were uncalled for despite our financial assistance even though they clearly don't need it and I think that was when she lost her cool a bit. She didn't raise her voice but she gave a lengthy 'talk' to the parent.

So I realize recently that despite knowing myself as an easily patient person, I find that I can lose my temper quite easily if I let emotions overcome me. It's a very surprising revelation at least for me and even for other people around me who will usually see me as this all round nice girl. Im sure you have encountered times when you are so angry inside of you, it makes you quiver so badly like you want to find the nearest chair and bash it against the person's head.

It's all in a day's work. There are nasty people and there are those who are polite and are thankful that you are helping them. Fortunately, the nasty ones are just a minority. So the best way to deal with them is to handle it in a calm and collected manner and not to lose the temper. And if I can't take the situation because it's too much for me, I let my more experienced colleagues handle or even my own boss and usually, they will assist me so no problem there.

So to all those Singapore idiots, karma will come back and bite you. People can't be so 'nice' to you for long by putting up with your nonsense. You will then realize that you don't have to be nasty to get what you want. A little respect goes a long way.


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