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Saving up for a HP Mini

Hrm, I actually liked writing about health because if possible, I want to motivate others, especially girls or young women of my age group, to start taking good care of themselves. To me, it's more than just a vanity issue because it's more about the health benefits of eating right and being more physically active. Fad diets are quick weight loss are quite the norm nowadays but ultimately, if you want to maintain your weight loss without burning holes in your pocket since these quickies don't come cheap, it's easier to take care of your diet and start exercising. Trust me, I hate exercise and if I have the option not to exercise, I would but that's life. Sometimes, you have no choice so I feel you but do it with friends or at least one buddy who share the same motivation as you so that it won't be so boring.
 I used to have exercise buddies but they kinda slacked already because they are happily partnered to someone who don't give a damn about how they look physically. To me that's sweet but really, do it for the family because medical expenses don't come in cheap and you would rather spend the money on other things for your family rather than on medicine or visits to doctors, right? So Im on my own. What to do, you just gotta keep on moving because ultimately, it's all about yourself.
Anyway, enough about that. I hope I have somehow motivated you..haha.
Now my other motivation is saving for a...netbook. Yay! I want a hp mini notebook and that will set me back for at least $600. I wil try to save at least half of it and the other half I will use my year end bonus. I will have to be very disciplined but I need to. Even if God forbids, I don't end up buying one, at least I manage to save some money. I feel like I need some kind of motivation to save coz it keeps me more focused rather than a generic 'saving up for emergency' plan. The thing is, for something that expensive (yes, even if's cheaper than a laptop..pfft), I would rather use the money for a longer period of time on other things. I know I have talked about wanting to get a digital camera but I think I need that mini notebook more because just in case my laptop goes wonky, I have a back up plan. A digital camera can't do that.
Unfortunately, I lost track of my own financial management in the last couple of months because I saved some money. But then, recently I realised that with my meagre salary, I cannot afford to 'repay' myself back all that I spent but only a fraction of it so that means I have to start slowing down my spending which sucks la but gotta start sacrificing somewhere, right? While I cannot afford NOT to spend on my family especially giving in to my mum's cravings whenever she saw something she likes on tv (shouldn't have subscribed to the food channel), I suppose it helps to cut down on other things.
Oh by the way, I got a new proposal. Uhm no, not of the marriage kind *rolls eyes* but my ops manager called me one fine Saturday afternoon telling me a rather long story about his time in SAF and then while I was scratching my head as to what the heck this old man was rambling about, he then told me the story. He said that he proposed to me an idea which he had in which he would help me  make some pocket money knowing my situation by paying me 30-40 dollars whenever he asks me to type documents. Of course it was rather awkward at first hearing that but I could not say anything but to agree and he said that this was the practice back then when he had a secretary in the army. Wah, imagine that. The secretary already got a fixed pay and then on top of that, charged him for typing documents. What the heck.
Wow, extra moolah. Only problem is, it's just between me and him and he specifically said the office people cannot know of this. I feel like Im doing some illegal hawking of my service..haha....but I understand. Who doesn't want that since my own plan to sell my stuffs haven't kicked into gear yet, heh. I didn't think he would be serious but we shall see. IF I GET, it will go into my LV savings pouch. Fake one lah but it's big enough to keep my current and future savings in cash if I don't intend to keep into my other savings account. Problem is, I don't know if I can bear to part with this cash once I save up a considerable amount knowing myself although this is for pure emergency.
Actually, I have some things in mind that I want to get though it's mostly beauty yet useless stuffs like liquid eyeliner and pretty  eyeshadow. I need to save up at least 20 for that but looks like I have to scrap the plan and focus on my dear brother instead. We haven't really had a good birthday celebration for him last couple of years including buying a cake and he still cannot forgive me for buying doughnuts instead of a birthday cake coz it was cheaper..haha. I don't believe in spoiling him rotten although he has become quite a saver himself and will spend on stuffs like cds or tech magazines once he saves up a considerable amount. Then the rest, he puts into savings.
Okay, I know I said that I would rather get a netbook than a camera so that means I have to skip on a holiday trip because I do want to go either langkawi or Penang in Malaysia. But I am still hoping that I get a digital camera and recently, I took part in this lucky draw held by digital life and uhm, they do received a LOT of entries so please let me be lucky coz I really want a digital camera...without paying for it as it's one of those things that I don't think I want to pay an exorbitant price just so that I can take clear pics. Yes, Im useless.


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