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May Blues

Im so happy I paid my library fines because it allowed me to start borrowing books again and now that they have increased the borrowing limit to 6 for non premium borrowers, I can now lug more books beauty magazines. Okay fine. I do read. Don't believe me? 

Plus, it was a bloody thick book hokay and so it's a mean feat considering I have not read for the longest time. This month however, I settle for a slightly smaller book...hehe. But anyway, this month I even borrowed several Seventeen magazines though it was yonks ago that I was..well..seventeen. First, it is quite an easy read and its vibrant and useful tips on health and beauty are a major attraction to me. I learnt quite a lot of things and one of them is their shopping locations for cheap beauty finds. For example, a pink blusher that costs only $5! And it's one of those shops in the heartland. I actually scoured the area for the shop because I thought I would get one but imagine my surprise when I found the shop, which was actually a small part of a bigger shop and it was surrounded by quite a number of sales girl who were out to entice potential customers to buy even more things for them. I didn't manage to even step into the place because I would confirm be suffocated.

But on the plus side, I did discover another shop which sells the current brand of shampoo that I was using for much less than the price I normally price. It's a big savings of more than $1! Wow. For people who are cash strapped or on a tight budget like myself, I need to find shops that allow me to shop while saving. In the end, I settled for an oil free pressed powder from the brand Silky Girl because I was using baby powder all this time when I go to work as I need something that won't clog my skin as it is prone to blemishes. Plus, it is dirt cheap at a price of only $8.90. If Im going out over the weekend or on weekday after work, then it's the Za foundation. Actually, it's not a bad thing to use baby powder. What makes it 'bad' is that it's so powdery (yes I know, duh) that the dust will settle everywhere on the floor and on the dressing table. I will be careful most times to not make it land everywhere but in the morning, I am usually rushing so it's kinda difficult. The pressed powder also matches my skin colour so I look less ghostly compared to wearing white baby powder..hehe.

Still, I don't want to take risk. During the hot weather, the blemishes come out more fierce which give me ugly dark spots especially round my chin area. I don't feel pretty anymore :( like I am one in the first place already. As 'oil-free' as it sounds, I think it's better to alternate the two products.

Talking about savings, I learnt another philosophy regarding money from a Sunday column. Just as you think you are saving money when you buy one product after another just because they offer great cheap deals, it doesn't mean you are saving especially when you start to add up the number. You can indulge yourself but do bear in mind, sometimes you don't actually need them. Worse, if you go to a facial treatment that has been heavily discounted, for example, they can also start to promote other things to you and you may end up spending more money than you should.

I can't stress this enough but do think about the future so save as and when you can even it's a small amount every month. If you can afford to save more, then by all means go ahead. Oh yah, the philosophy is that when you are spending, you are not saving. So be careful about what you spend on and sometimes it pays to actually think first before you plonk your money on the product. If you already have a hand cream at home, do you actually need another one when you are struggling to actually use the existing one? Unless you give away to someone who will use it, then at least you are not wasting your money and you feel less guilty buying a newer better one..hehe. It's like how my friend does. She loves buying beauty products and occasionally, she will give me her existing one because she got another similar product and she thought I needed it more. 

Then one time, she recommended me this facial moisturizer that doesn't cost much but is just as effective because I was looking out for one as I didn't have it. Well, I managed to get it and it was selling it at a discounted price. Then about two weeks later, she gave me the same one which she didn't use anymore and there was plenty of it left so I got two jars now :S

Oh well, you wont see me buying another facial moisturizer that's for sure. This week I will get my pay but I need to pay HDB for their admin fees in the transfer of ownership of this flat *sigh* but first I have to make my way to the town council to get them to sign a letter to say that I have paid the conservancy fees which I have not managed to pay all coz there's so much. I don't know how it is going to turn out actually. I really don't want to delay this thing any longer nor do I want to come out with a hefty amount to get the fees settled BEFORE they sign the letter. So this is going to be sucky if they don't want to sign...another big *sigh*

Im starting to hate this month already.


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