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Helix May Day Ventures..Not!

The Helix Bridge was opened late this week and me and my 'I must go!' brother actually went to the bridge leading to the newly opened marina bay sands. It was fun at first, though so freakin' crowded, which later went downhill coz the bloody bridge was only half completed and the rest of our 'journey' there consisted of walking on incomplete walkway and wooden planks. Yes, it's that uncompleted! I was fuming all the way and didn't see the necessity of going to the marina bay sands coz I would probably guess it would be half completed as well!!

That's the thing about Singapore's new attractions. The media hype made it all so interesting that everyone just had to go, and furthermore it was a public holiday on a Saturday. My feet were hurting so badly because those heels were not meant for walking so much and worse, even after we visited the half occupied shopping centre, we still had to walk such a long way to the mrt to take the train in rather lonely alleys because my brother refused to board the crowded bus to the nearby esplanade which was like two bus stops away. This was despite me telling him that we just gotta board the bus even if it was crowded. But being a stubborn typical teenager, he just refused to board it once it arrived. i have this plaster across my feet because it was just the wrong day and time to 'break in' my new pair of heels. Remind me to wear my comfy sandals next time.

Oh well, the collage you see below was before I got cranky. You don't want to see me cranky. Or even hear me being cranky coz I just whine and whine.

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