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Great July News

This is so cool! After my much worried days that my savings is going to get depleted very soon which leads me to be so freakin' frugal, news just came in that as a civil servant, I am going to get a mid year bonus and an additional $300!! So now I can really look forward to July AND expecting something out of it unlike last year's no show where I was struggling through like a mad person. 

But, Im still living in fear which sucks coz no one should be living in fear. It takes away the beauty of life but without fear, you may plunge head long into something and then not being able to get up or you get up with much difficulty. I have pending bills to pay and I have to balance delicately on a line where I have to put my family first while being swamped with things to pay. 

Then next week, my brother is going for a day surgery and my mother is requesting to have my brother stay in the hospital for a day at least. It's just one day and she wants him to go into a private ward and never mind if we have to pay a deposit of at least $1k. Oh my precious savings! I told her that I don't have enough money and she balked at that fact considering how much money I had at first. Well, fyi, unless Im earning a lot or I have investments here and there, eventually the savings will slowly be depleted. But because I don't want to make the same mistakes in the past, I do attempt to save every day and even if it's less than 4 dollars per day, when you do it every day, it will amount to quite a nice amount few weeks later. To me, that is still an investment for a rainy day. And Im not about to blow it on a one day hospital stay. I have since avoided the topic again ever since I got an earful from my mother about having little to spend nowadays because I want to give her an impression that I don't have spare cash. I am willing to hear her awful naggings just so that she doesn't touch my savings.

Somehow, I think she complained to my aunt about this and then my aunt was like, well, you know she has things to pay too for the family like the utilities bills and etc. My aunt should know better coz she handles her family's bills and expenditures as well. My mum only knows how to boss around only like what to buy. Every time she has a craving for some food based on what she thinks or what she watches on tv, she expects me or my brother to buy and then later she complains the food didn't process well in her stomach blah blah blah so she shouldn't be eating much. And then the whole cycle repeats itself.

I, for one, do not like to eat outside food. They are very pricey even if the place doesn't have air conditioning and gawd knows what they put in there like extra artificial flavourings like MSG to make the food taste nicer. It's blatantly poison for your soul. Sigh, but I am probably the last person who should be saying that as I grew up eating mostly outside food and less of home cooked food because both my parents were working and they were too tired to cook like a whole table of delicious food. Even if they attempted to cook, it would usually be very simple dishes and I lapped up on them coz they were cooked with love. For those who enjoy home cooked food on a regular basis, you are lucky. You should go home early and just enjoy the company of a family and appreciate the efforts into cooking the food.

I read recently about this local celebrity who used to worry about putting food on the table and after achieving success in his career which of course boosted his income, there is never once he does not appreciate the fact he is earning enough to not just put food on the table. I loathe those celebrities who complain a lot about working in the entertainment industry but are lapping up on their well paid salaries which some people can only dream of. If you can't take it, then just leave and stop whining. 

So I've got more than a month to go before I can get my well deserved retail therapy even though I have to skip this great singapore sales in June. While my colleagues are going for their early retail therapy, I will just have to hold back first while I slowly pay off my outstanding bills with town council and SP. I know they too have their share of things to pay as well but I don't want to compare myself to them especially if Im the type who sometimes live in fear based on past experiences where the power supplies people will come uninvited and cut off my electricity bills and when I have to sell of my things just so that I have money to go to work the next day. Some things you just don't forget. There is a time and place for many things in life and if I have to postpone my retail therapy, so I will and then bear the fruits of my labour later when I accumulate enough savings to enjoy a guilt free shopping trip later, haha.

I think this yet another long weekend opportunity will allow me to get my act together and then hopefully by next week, I will put up some handmade accessories online to sell and make extra moolah. I know I keep talking about this but don't seem to do anything about it but I will. Like I said, there is a time and place for most things in life, haha. Excuses.

Can't wait for July :) Not only will there be a mid year bonus, in the beginning of July, the government will also give a pay out of $200 I think. Anyway, whatever the amount, it will go into my savings account. May not be all but something is better than nothing. I did my calculations on my July's salary and I am expected to add on at least $1k to my savings. WOot! But, I don't want to raise my hopes too high like how I did for my performance bonus. Expect the unexpected. I shall stick to my original plan of getting $300 only.

Now back to being a scrooge frugal.


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