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My Ideal Guy

Aha! I knew it! I knew I would be a WAG of a soccer guy girlfriend of a hunk!! I just did a quiz in a Seventeen magazine (though based on my age, I really shouldn't even be buying such mags..hee) about what is my ideal guy and the result is.........

Mr Energetic & Confident


It read as...

What he's like: He's always up for fun and loves working up a sweat. He's probably got a hot bod from all that running around.
Where to find him: On the field
Your relationship will be: Exciting and fast-paced

Ooo la la!! O' acronym W.A.G. u are so going to be mine!

Kidding aside, okay actually Im not kidding when I said I have always admired hunky guys. Ask my friends! Coz Im that shallow..haha. One of my dreams is to score one of those guys at the gym but I dunno why, I always look like a dork in the gym. Serious! I would be busy working out, breaking out a sweat and then when I walk near a mirror on the way to the water cooler, Im like, 'oh my gawd! Im such a dork!!' I don't look like one of those hot ones who obviously dressed to impress and seriously work their heart out (not that I don't too, mind you). And then at times, these cute guys will bring cute girlfriends as well and their cuteness together is sometimes beyond tolerable especially if I happen to work out beside them and looking like a drab : /

Yes I know, I sound very the jealous because hunky guys are just be admired. End of my love story. The fact that I know NUTS about soccer is nothing impressive as well. I don't even know who was the last world cup winner and when is the current world cup is starting.

So is this quiz to be trusted? I have no frakkin' idea. But going through the other types of ideal guys, I realise something. It's not about my kind of ideal guy. It's about how I get to be more out there so that I can get to know more guys and then finally meet my match. Im currently at a crossroad where I don't know my bearings. So I suppose if I can make some firm decisions, don't get too hung up with my current problems and instead, find the solutions to them and also to be more appealing as a person, who knows if the table is turned around and I get to be the ideal girl of a certain someone, eh? :) That will be more cool than taking this quiz. Hunky I come!


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