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Challenge to lose now go!

You know, we all have resolutions from the start of the year. Okay, at one point of time, I did not because I just want to 'go with the flow' and then things started to go down the hill later. If you want to make a joke out of it, that will be..'go down with the flow'. Whatever. So we all should have goals in life whether it is for short term or long term. Whichever way you see, it's best to make plans to work toward something so that you don't waste your time and life will be a bit more meaningful.

By the way, this year I decided to 'up' my game a bit because I've mentioned before that I had totally slacked in my bid to lose weight to a more ideal one. Now, weight is just a number and what is more important is that you should focus more on eating right and getting physical like do some exercises even if it means taking daily walks or deciding to walk a bit rather than taking a bus to your destination which is like two or three bus stops away only. Don't see exercise as a chore (unless you are like me, after ten minutes on the treadmill, I just want to slink away..) but something that you have to do just like brushing your teeth. Basically, it's all about inculcating in yourself good health habits and weight management is one of it.

If you have been following my blog over the years, I cannot emphasize enough how my struggles with my weight have been a big downer for me. It used to be a lot worse because being surrounded by friends or acquaintances who are of average size and weight while seeing myself as hippo compared to them though on repeated accounts, they emphasized that Im more than just that and they didn't mean that as physically. They said that Im generally a nice and lovable girl and that's more important.

Okay I don't want to bore you with my life story. My point is, Im happy to say that I have been consistent in my weight loss this year though uhm, what I had been trying to do was reducing the weight that I had gained over the years when I lost focus after losing like almost 20kg..hee. Well what to do, I have been well fed by the people at my workplace. In fact, very well fed that I had to work harder to lose that weight gain :S

If you are a lazy bugger like me who can't afford to be so hard core about exercise like three to four times a week though it's highly recommended, I've got some tips on how to lose at least 0.5 kg in a week :D See, Im very the generous to tell you my trade secrets.

  • Have a good brekkie consisting of at least two slices of wholemeal bread. Don't skip breakfast because it will make you go hungrier and you will tend to eat more during lunch. If you can't sit down and eat breakfast, have it as brekkie on the go like on the way to work and while waiting for the bus, just eat the bread.
  •  If you are like me, who gets hungry DESPITE eating wholemeal bread, and lunch time is like an hour away, you can munch on healthy biscuits like digestives or ginger snaps but make sure it's healthy ones not the type stuffed with jam or worse, chocolate chip cookies.
  •  Keep lunch simple on certain days. Lunch is the best time of the day because it's the time to take your eyes off your work and skive without feeling guilty. My simple lunch is only wholemeal bread and low fat digestives with hot milo. Other days, you can have heavier lunch. Let's say, Monday you eat chicken rice and the next two days, have a  lighter lunch  like a soupy bee hoon noodles or yong tau hoo. But for the sake of losing weight, chicken rice is not a good option. Maybe buy plain rice with vegetable dishes and one meat dish like chicken. Without coconut rich gravy, please.
  • If you need to have a mid day snack, keep it healthy or be very limiting. I have a sweet tooth and although Im no fan of sweets or candies, I like chocolates. You can have your chocolates but do get dark chocolate with at least a 65% content of cocoa. You can have also have a fruit or wheat biscuits to munch. If you must snack unhealthily, you can eat a piece of a bite sized chocolate chip. It's smaller than a regular sized one so less calories. 
  • When you get off school or work, squeeze in some physical exercise like walking or taking the stairs instead of the escalators or lift. If you spend time sitting a lot at work or in school, this is a good time to get exercise and also it's a good way to destress if you walk instead of talking a bus or mrt to a nearby destination.
  • Very important, do eat only one main meal a day instead of the usual three square meals a day. It really helps to cut down on your calorie intake so that you do not go overboard with your daily limit of at least 2000 calories. For example, if you had a heavy lunch, keep dinner very simple. I will eat a plain waffle, sushi, a bun or cut fruits instead of a rice dish.
  • Limit your serving size. If you have a big serving, do share out the serving. Sometimes, my mother makes my brother buy take away food and the serving can be quite a lot. So instead of scoffing down the whole darn thing, I share it with my mum though she always complain I often make it disproportionate like i eat just a bit while she has to eat more. But anyway, she is thrifty in the sense that if we can't finish it, she will store it away for next day's lunch or dinner.
  • On weekends, introduce physical exercise like longer walks, slow jogs or make a trip down to the local gym.  If you live in Singapore, find out where is the nearest public gym. If you can't afford expensive gym memberships, go for such public gyms which are mostly located near the stadium at a fee of a mere $2.50. Don't be shy and just concentrate on burning off those calories and dreaming of a more sculpted body like Beyonce. Go for those stationery  bikes, treadmills, weights and elliptical machines if you plan to lose weight. However, do not be all gung-ho. Concentrate on being consistent and push yourself but not too hard until you over exhaust yourself and you swear off gym.
  •  Do treat yourself at least once a week. I mean it. You can have an ice cream, eat deep fried food..whatever..but know your limit or you will be wasting your efforts. For me, sometimes that will mean eating fast food.
 Basically, it's all about knowing your portions, what goes into your body and being more physically active. But please, don't starve yourself so that you will lose your weight faster. You will only lose water and not fats and that is worse because you can potentially increase your weight to even more than what you have just started.

Another tip is....don't work yourself too hard and be realistic. Importantly, be consistent and don't give up because there are times, you don't lose weight as easily or you lose track a bit like I do sometimes. But shift your focus on back again and work a bit more. It really pays off even if you start off losing weight quite slowly at first. That's normal because your body is slowly adjusting.

Plus, if you want to be healthier, you need to make some sacrifice. You may have to give up eating rich and sinful breakfast like nasi lemak or lontong. If you must eat them, stick to just once a week.

So are you ready to take on the challenge to lose at least 0.5 kg or more in a week? :)))


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