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Overwhelming Setback

I knew this was coming..they were not able to endorse the letter because I had not fully paid the conservancy fees. Sucks. And the appointment with hdb is next week. The next 'best' option is to reschedule the date because I don't think I can pay up 600 over dollars in a matter of one week. Okay fine. I got savings that can pay it off and have balance but I don't see this as urgent. My family's need come first. What if I need the money for emergency and then, oh, I don't have it because.........I paid town council ALL of the outstanding amount. 

This is just one of the setbacks in life and I have been in worse situations than this before. When I think back, I shudder at such thoughts and as much as I don't want to go back to the past, if Im not careful, I can just pay a visit back and there is no turning back. Tell me, in this world, people only know how to complain or make noise and refuse to listen to the actual story while waving their accusing finger around. And the best thing is that even educated people do this. Our children are so spoilt because parents nowadays think that they can buy their way into their child's heart. There is a simply glaring lack of kindness in this world no matter how many times the beauty contestants wish for world peace every freaking day. While yes I do experience kindness from people who are willing to help out during other people's difficult times, I would want to learn to find out other means of helping myself out. Plus, it's not easy paying other people back the money because in future, I still have to juggle with paying bills and etc ON TOP OF paying these people off. 

Sigh, at least in another area, I think Im showing signs of 'Rahayu can work'. You know how I always lament that Im not being appreciated at work. But nowadays, I find that my boss is really trying to make me think on my own two feet like she will give clues as to how I can get my answers or at least part of my answers and then she will do the rest. It brought me back to schooling days with one particular teacher whom I asked how to get the answer to a particular question. She asked me to think first on how to work out the initial answers and then she would help me out when I get stuck. And it really helped me to think. Sometimes we think that we can simply run to the teacher hoping for a quick solution but then we end up not learning anything because we are being spoon fed. In life, things may seem difficult at first but if we bother enough to find the solutions for it, you will never know if they are just around the corner hoping for you to find them.

How I wish my hard work will translate to a bigger bonus next year..ha!

Whenever you are in difficulty, look up to God and pray to him before you go to sleep. Miracles don't come in all the time but you will be surprised that they do happen and that's all that matters. Basically miracles come about because we trust that things will get better and they will. 

So yah, basically Im still frustrated with this issue that I am having with town council. If only HDB can give me a leeway on these charges because I am still living under this rooftop what. I am still going to pay them whether or not they transfer the ownership to me. I just want to get the housing payments settled asap.  I don't want to end up paying them cash money because I am earning peanuts and don't expect me to eat peanuts too right?

Sigh..Anyway, on the bright side even if it's just a glimmer, today I am anticipating staying up rather late because I can't wait to get started typing out my ops manager's documents. He has promised to give me this sideline job as he thinks I do need the money and he is willing to pay for it though the people in my office don't know. I hope he can keep his promise in paying me. I am not going to put a price on them and just let him decide. I don't think I want to delay it because well..he trusts me to have them typed out though he did give me a pretty long deadline of two weeks but I doubt he will wait for it. Plus, I can't wait to see if he really will pay me..haha. Nolah, I think he will. Just a matter of how much *smirks*

Type away! Oh btw, if he does pay me, I am SO going to spend the money. Okay just a weeee bit. It's not easy to type you know, judging from the docs that he gave me :S


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