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Gym Workout for Beginners

Okay Im not converting this into a fitness blog but I do want to try to motivate someone, especially young women, to keep track of their weight management for a healthier lifestyle.

I mentioned earlier that you gotta get physically active and I actually feel happy if I see someone who is clearly in the gym to shed some weight judging from their physical size because they are at least starting somewhere and making the efforts to do so. But I do hope they are not disheartened because I know how it's like to be all shy when we all first started especially if the gym is filled up good looking guys working out their muscles while you are here looking like a slob..sigh...temptation temptation. And then there is the after effects of working out where your muscles are crying out and you feel all aching that the next gym session will most likely be scrapped.

Now now peeps. Don't be that way. I started off like that and it was such a torture being in a gym where everyone was so fit and it made me a miserable loser. But it's all in the mind only. You will see the results and soon, compliments would start pouring in. I got my skeptics also and in the end, seeing my sheer determination to lose weight by going to the workplace gym regularly and seeing the results, I ended up motivating them as well. See, it's nothing to be shy off.

So let me give a handy guide if you are a beginner like what kind of machines you should try. But Im still learning and also still in the process of losing weight so we should learn together, k?

  • Always do a warm up of at least 5 min. Don't just jump onto the machine and start running on the treadmill vigorously. You are only going to injure yourself. Do some quick stretches and then start slow on the machine.
  • Aim to do at least two cardio machines. For example, the cross trainer and the treadmill.

Now the cross trainer may take some time getting used to it because they require good hand and leg co-ordination. Some cross trainers only concentrate on the striding machine of your legs. But either way, you can tire yourself out easily so do it at a considerable pace. Over time, increase your time on it to an eventual 30 minutes. Don't be a warrior because really, it can look like a piece of cake when you see someone who does it but when you are new and you just step on it, 5 minutes can be a torture.

I DO NOT suggest you skip this machine because it gives you a good total body workout. If there is one in the gym, use it.

The treadmill is a no brainer. You either walk very fast on it, jog or run on it but DO NOT stroll. It's not a walk in the park. Make sure you quicken your pace by increasing the speed and it's okay if you are not able to run like the wind. It's more important to be consistent for at least 20 minutes at more or less the same speed. If you are running or jogging, pace yourself too. For a beginner, I suggest walking quickly or jogging slowly. It can give you a feeling of inertia at first when you get off the machine but you will get over it with subsequent uses.

Tip: Do increase the elevation of the treadmill and if possible, do not hold on to the safety handle bars infront of you. When you try to walk quickly without the handle bars, it helps to build your core muscles and strengthen your back.

  • Don't forget to use the weight machines or dumb bells. When you use them as part of your gym exercise routine, it helps to build muscles and giving you a more leaner look so that you don't end up flabby looking with loose skin. It makes you more toned up. I used to have bulky shoulders and they were really uncomfortable and they made me more hunch back looking so I use the machines to lessen the bulk and look more lean. It helped.

 Im not going to lie but they are going to give you really bad muscle aches for at least two days if you just start using it. But over time, you will get used to it and the aches will get lesser. I still get aches though but the recovery period is shorter.

  • This is one of my favourite machines which to me is simple to use and great for beginners as well. The rowing machine.

The push and pull action give your arms a longer and leaner look and build your chest and back muscle as well though it looks relatively easy to use. Once you get the hang of it, increase the tightness of the rubber band like for myself I use the maximum tightness and keep rowing for at least 20 minutes.

  • Do not go hungry before you use any of the machines. You need to eat at least a piece of bread to give you the starter energy and in between changing of machines, take sips of water to give your body a slight time to recuperate. 
  • I cannot emphasize this enough but.......don't be a warrior. So what if the girl next to you runs like crazy beside you on the treadmill while you are struggling to keep your balance. Key word is: consistency. I don't  mean consistent as in stick to the same slow speed but gradually build your speed until your body is comfortable with it. 
  • After the gym workout, it's also normal to be extra hungry since your energy has been zapped. You can replenish your lost body fluid through your sweat by drinking low sugar isotonic drinks or eat something light. DO NOT drink from a cold can of coke though yes, it's very tempting but are you sure you want to ruin your efforts?
  • Read more on health and fitness so you can include varieties to your workout and the routine won't be so boring. 
  • Oh, and get a gym buddy! 
Okay okay, for the fun of it, I shall post an old photo of me and my friend taken in 2004 and then last mth in 2010.

My favourite body part of mine has always been my shoulders and chest. Although I gained so much weight after I left my last school coz I was so happy I didn't have P.E. lessons anymore, it made me miserable as clothes were so hard to find. I could not even find my waistline..haha. Then I got determined to lose weight and get nicer looking shoulders and chest which I did through the weight machines. I used to be active back then like doing it for three times a week at a work gym and doing that for more than two years got me the results. Since then I maintain it for at least once a week at a public gym.

So if I can do it, so can you. Isn't that motivation enough? :D


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