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Treat from D


wah that bugger ah...seriously ah...damn big bugger man..I thought who messaged around 9 am in the morning and maybe just mariah. But I was too busy so I only read it only an hour later. I didnt see who send but when I opened it, I was like..wah fancy being called 'pretty' as an opener by mariah until I read the rest of the message that asked if I could finish up the screening by 5pm instead of 5.30..Buuuuuggerrr.....well, at least I made him call me the popular and gorgeous one and even I didnt promise I could finish up that time ..two can play that game what.

well, anyway he was lucky. We finished way before that. WHy? Okay first the stupid freaking assholic school (i can never trust overfriendly school staff the minute i entered..and im often right!) made us shift our equipments twice and then asked to shift out again so that the other class can use back the classroom. That is after we went beyond our schedule by screening an additional class! I was giving this ' we have to?' look to the teacher when she asked to shift back to the music room at the other end yet again coz hello? the equipments are not easy to carry from one to another end of the freaking class okay bitch! At least two three of those teachers were genuinely nice. The rest were damn bitches. INCLUDING the principal. The mother of all bitches.

So second, why I said he was lucky was due to our advanced screening, we only had paperwork left to do in the late afternoon. Then third, the replication (uploading and downloading of data) was smooth running without our hitch unlike yesterday which took half an hour. So we finished up everything at 4.10pm but the bugger could only reach at 4.30 but it was obvious when I called and said that he could come now, could 'hear' him practically grinning as he was talking.

Think he can escape? Well, my partner and I thought that okay..give him chance today coz tomorrow we may need his service to send us out..hehe. Hey, it's not something we request to do all the time unlike them aunties okay...but tomorrow's school was practically way way way deep inside the heart of orchard road. So, we were devising a plan to be nice to him tomorrow but he beat to us first. Of course..he cant just escape like that..thought he can just manipulate us like that only coz he got dinner plans tonight. We were just kidding when I said owe us since we finished way earlier than planned..we want bubble tea (err..its good to have a partner who indulge in bubble tea!) but he was like Where can I get bubble tea now? Okay okay..why not tomorrow I get for you bubble tea. Ey, then it will be just nice coz there is one bubble tea shop right opposite far east plaza. But he was like..wah you mean you all plan already about this ah? Okay okay..I will get for you all..of course I thought he was just kidding..he ALWAYS kid around but he means business this time..oooOOooo...first time getting treated by D! We were shocked at first but he was so determined that tomorrow he will get for us.

Well, it's bubble tea this time, let's see...we were thinking..sushi maybe?! whahahah...yah then I have to rush through my work again just for the freakin sushi. So not worth it.

By the way, he even asked us just now if we want a lift to the mrt station. Yet another first! Okay technically not really but that time coz it was raining heavily and we were stuck. But we didnt want to push his button too much now so well...we said its okay..we can walk and he was giving us a look like....really...sure? Tsk, we're not as demanding and manipulative as you okay..

So..lets see if he REAALLLLLY keeps his promise..


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