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Our Twisted Little World's amazing how the blogging world has evolved from a mere personal online diary to an online journal that backlash at the minorities...teachers..everything they can lay their hands on behind the comfort of being anonymous. Sad. Haiz just read another hardcore racist's entries. It's amazing how the same old words or liners appear in regards to the opposed 'rodent'..'stupid'..'rodent'...'stupid'...gawd, I guess his vocab is limited lah..or he is what he describe others as.

But this is expected lah...once the world progress...not all seems to be progressing in the same manner. People get all twisted up...view everyone else in a twisted psychotic manner...they're practically the end result of years of build up pressure within themselves. Gone are the days when you are greeted by a single smile or a simple greeting or kind gesture..and if you're not tough enough to make a stand for yourself....u are stepped on like a poor helpless insect. But if we stand by our rights...they say that we are at fault although it can be so damn obvious who cut the queue first for instance. It's like...a matter of denial and what can they do to hide that embarassment of theirs? Accuse us point blank. So they have this so called imaginary protective bubble that once they have attained a certain success or wealth level...of more superiority than us...they think they have the world at their feet and we're supposed to kiss them or something and they can be damn harsh to us...That would bring us back to the times before our forefathers where the Kings were untouchable as if their status was carved out from a giant gold slab.

Nowadays, we have people behaving like back then in the olden times..where technology was not even born and the people then had simplistic mindsets. Admitting their mistakes....or to even show the slightest bit of gratitude is like asking them to donate a gallon of blood from them or we're zapping the breath out of them. But when people are trying to be nice to to them in an approachable manner...we get dagger stares...harshest remarks....snarling faces...all depicting the traits of the self centered mannerism of an Ugly Singaporean...Then when other people are truly being obnoxious to them....they backlash non stop using any public media like they're these perfect little angles and the onlie 'crime' they ever commited is being at the wrong place and at the wrong time. Wow....have such two faced people ever see how they look like in their mirrors? Despicable.

Okay so racism is unavoidable because not everybody can see things without distorted effects. But making it known publicly with sheer determination to bring about some rallying of an impending social crisis, why don't they concentrate on making their life even more useful? Perhaps instead of just conjuring up one harsh remark after another..with no accounts of how the other people would have felt...(oh forgot they're without any feelings..)....why don't they get up from their seat, away from the computer and start doing useful work like volunteerism for instance? I guess people are just so blinded from the $ signs infront of them that the world they live made up of nothing but mountains and mountains of wealth. They have this pefect little life goin' on for them that they fail to see our world is not in black and white. Some people can afford to say this or that....complain over the slightest matter...commanding others to attend to their demands..just because they think 'the customer is king'...but throw them in a harsher part of the world..survival is only key. See if their uncalled blabberings are able to save them from the harshest elements of Mother Nature or be socially accepted by the indigenous races. See how it's like to be on the other side of the fence.

Please lah.. we're onlie a minority in terms of population count...not a minority because we cohesively don't suceed at the same or higher acceleration speed than the other self named superior races. And as if many of the Caucasians treat Asians any better in their countries...throw a typical Asian into their Asian being fair medium or dark skinned...we are still 'foreigners' to them and for once, the self confessed superior races face their own medicine. Sometimes it takes an incident or two to knock them out of their filthy mindsets.

And then hardships and poverty are prevalent even in the most developed countries and instead of focusing our energy towards allevating hunger world wide..or even back home..when volunteerism is onlie done by this special yet minimal number of people...they decide to concentrate on issues that can drive the country apart. Think people are too free free they decide to start mini revolutions of some sort..just because they feel 'insecured' or whose concept of an 'open mind' involves zippers. I mean seriously...are we really digressing? Not everybody is this 'shiny happy people' but...we condone terrorism....and on the other hand, people are behaving like they are extremists of some sort....which to them are just some piece of harmless comments...and don't they ever know that they are wasting a large chunk of time just writing harsh entry after harsh entry..just go rub some animals' fur lah and become an animal lover if u're not too keen on people. At least they don't offend u in some way...unless they think u're an animal like 'em...

Haiz..u know a social war is beckoning upon us if we continually support those who have personal racist issues and who decided to embark on this racist journey, behind anonymous identities(obviously)...but u know how destructive a war is rite? It can start from a staring incident...a clash of words....shouting...beating the heck out of people...then everyone catches on...and then things get very...very...ugly. Just like our bombing attacks, if one bombs, the rest will's like a herd effect. What do you get out of it? A total annihilation of the much hated race? Or a total annihilation of our social consience?...What are we..barbarics? Since when bloodshed becomes a symbol of peace? So don't even think of starting...I mean so what if people say u this or me, their minds onlie work one way....but they use bombastic words, phrases..analogies showing how intelligent they basically cover up the true hard facts...they're living in their own fictitious world and we dont wanna be part of it. Ever. Practise tolerance especially since we have no choice given our diversified backgrounds. Either u take it or take off somewhere.


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