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Sneaky Mind Games

Blogging is not a dying trend. It's just that people now enjoy making quick updates to their facebook and twitter accounts and get a fast response as well. Well, I still enjoy blogging because I get to rant and rave and recently write stuffs that will hopefully benefit other young women like me as I know how hard it is to lose weight, save money and also find a man..sigh...haha. But happiness doesn't equate to being slim or being rich because it's just how you find happiness and often, it's within yourself. 

I know sometimes it's hard not to feel a tinge of jealousy towards other young women because being jealous of other people's success is normal. It's only a matter of not turning your jealousy into something evil where you just dislike the person and be all grouchy and mean. I myself do feel rather jealous and think God is being unfair to me simply because I felt that I'm not pretty or slim enough to attract the opposite sex, and mind you, when I say the opposite sex, I mean those who will make your heart a flutter and not those who simply flirt around coz they're just being men.

But you know what, just get over it. Well, she is blessed with good genes and has lady luck shining on her when she nabs a handsome dude who earns well in his career. Sometimes, when I feel like I'm not attractive enough or not hot enough when I'm doing my usual comparison with, say the other girls in the train carriage, I just tell myself that hey, she's pretty but I'm sure there's someone else prettier than her. You can also do the opposite mind game and tell yourself if you're ugly, there is someone else uglier than you. Oh, how about if you think you're fat, there's someone else fatter than you..muahaha...and the list goes on.

Of course these mind games are just that, mind games. Ultimately, the best is just start accepting your flaws, play up on your best features, be well dressed, improve on your personal grooming and babes, you just touched the tip of the iceberg only. I know it's easier said than done but people, being too jealous of other people's good fortunes isn't all that good either. It makes you less of a person even though you may be surprised to know that you may be in many ways better than whoever that is. She may be beautiful but her heart is like a stone with not even a tinge of kindness or she may be rich but she looks past other people who are not of the same status as her. Seriously, do you want to be like them?

But that's their life story. The story of your life should be more interesting and if you think that it's not, why not learn from others instead of just harping on the fact that you can never be like them. If she's beautiful, what's her secrets besides the obvious good genes? Perhaps she takes good care of her skin by going for regular facial or she doesn't eat certain kinds of food as it causes her to have a facial break out. Something in that line.

The library is a good place to borrow past issues of women's magazines that have many interesting articles often about other women talking about various topics and also offer lotsa tips on how to dress up and how to make a good first impressions, for instance. There are also specials where they do a beauty awards thingey and present to you the top beauty products for all budgets. You don't have to spend a small fortune on them. All you need is a bit of luck that you will find magazines on display which will not only interest you but also help you in your daily life. Plus, they're free to borrow!!

But if all else fails, remember my tip above on how to play those sneaky mind games..haha..

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