I LOVE MY FEET! Okay..not maybe lurve......as in u know, lurve...............I mean, basically, since my feet haven't been givin' me the itch and scratch problems anymore (as long as I stick to the same shower foam..heh..), and they don't look all yucky with severe discolourations and unsightly burnt dark and red marks..Oh, so in lurve with them..that I might have a feet fetish, ha! And no longer do I have that unsightly markings of this pair of sandals that I wear, every single day..even on weekends and on every day of work. Now that my feet look nicer a bit, I can afford to rebuild back my shoe collection. And soon enough, I'd say 'hello!' to shorter skirts without traumatized by people staring at my ghastly scars! Ahh..yesssssssss...blissful life indeed. But hell..now my eyes are giving me problems. I want my new glasses, pronto! I have been traumatised enough, not just by my blank stupiDo face whenever i pass by mirrors in the mall. Right now, my eyes are su...