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Money 101: Spending on Little Income

Nowadays, I don't spend much time on blogging which is good compared to in the past where I can take up to 2 hours to write a post. Call me a traditionalist but even with the advancement in social networking, I still like to blog even if my blog posts aren't one to rave about. That is until I put nekkid photos of mine but then I don't want to crash the internet server.

Anyway, I just want to voice my frustrations that this month, I am not able to buy some nice things for myself. It's one thing to start like make up and another thing to not being able to buy all the variety of eye shadow palettes. If I could just invest in one make up item, that will be an eye shadow palettes with lots of shades in it. Lovely! Of course it will be even lovelier if  I could get my hands on the urban decay palette. Nice to the max. Should have bought it when I had my bonus in December but well, no point harping on it since it is already over.

But like I've always stressed that there is time and place for everything. Well, almost. Even if now is not the right time to shop coz this month, I don't have much of money, I'm looking forward to next month instead. This month, I'm just going to be free and easy though I still have my eyes on getting that corduroy skirt from a small shop at Dhoby Gaut mrt station. Knowing me, I will probably just get it since it's only $10 and it wouldn't take up much 'space' in my weekly allowance. And that shall be my shopping purchase of the month.

It puzzles me sometimes when I hear people say that they will buy and buy quite a lot and put off  shopping for the next few months. I mean seriously, they don't even buy one single item? Im sure they do but just not go for some mega shopping expedition or something. Gosh there are so many things that I want to get and if I have my way, I would have just gotten them and they don't cost much anyway. But I have to learn to conserve my funds.

Anyway, some quick tips on how to better manage your money.

Plan ahead what you intend to buy. Then set aside some amount of money, even from spare cash or loose change and over time, it can accumulate to a nice amount and you can use it as shopping money to buy that item.

Don't buy discounted items on a whim. Take the time to consider the item carefully and for example, if it's a clothing item, think about whether it is worth a buy, even after a discount which must be a good one or it's as good as not giving it a discount. Go home and take a look at your wardrobe and check to see if you have a similar looking one or that the new clothing item can  go well with other wardrobe staples to create different looks.

Make sure you clear all or most of your debt or bills before you go shopping. That way, you feel less guilt coz you are not spending money that is meant to pay off your debt or outstanding bills coz it's not good to have them in the first place coz the amount can just accumulate. If you really can't pay all as you don't have enough this month, make sure you clear most of it so that it will generate less outstanding fees.

Don't be a reckless buyer. Trust me, I've been there. I mean it's good to take risks and stuff once in awhile but if taking risks lead to an even more headache with the handling of your money later on, then don't even take on the risks. Sometimes you may think nothing of a small purchase and then you keep buying one small purchase after another as you think hey, you have enough money, the amount will just keep adding up. Then you find that you don't have enough later on and then you think what the heck did you spend on?!

If you have the tendency to be reckless in your spending, keep a small journal for your expenses. It helps you to track on what you have spent on. Always know how much is left in your bank account if you tend to swipe your card so that you spend within your limits and that you still have enough money later on.

If you use credit for purchase, my tip is to keep track of your expenses.  Don't spend over how much you can afford to pay later on to avoid the late payment charges and high interest fees.

If possible, when you get your pay, divide your pay up into several categories. Create different categories for your expenses into fixed and variable expenses. Fixed ones will be those that you pay every month, like say your bills. Variable ones will be for household, leisure, clothes, entertainment and etc. Allocate an amount for each category and make sure you don't go over the limit.

Alternatively if you are like me who don't earn much in the first place, exercise better judgment when you are buying things. Do research if you have to buy reading magazines borrowed from the library to see what is a better moisturizer that is worth investing in, value for money and can last for months. For any other things, if you don't need it, don't buy it. But if you really want it, make sure you stash some savings away before you can afford to buy it. At least you have something to fall back on if you need to use money some time in future, after this purchase.

I do that actually especially when nearing to the time when the next pay day is like a mile away. It keeps me afloat.

Keep loose change. I can't emphasize this enough. If you want to be really prudent in your money, one of the ways is to keep any loose change from every day into a piggy bank. Nowadays, banks allow you to deposit coins for a small fee and if I'm not wrong, citibank allows you to change coins into cold hard cash without any fees. Go find out about it. I keep my coins in a small cup and nearing pay day, I will change them into cash to last me until my pay is in.

You will face less stress in the handling of your money if you can enforce discipline in terms of your spending. But it doesn't mean you lose out in life. For me, if I feel a bit down coz I can't afford to spend much like this month for instance, next month I actually have not 1 but 3 opportunities to spend money. I have my usual pay, then a week after, my performance bonus and the end of the month, we will get our maintenance fees. 

So it's okay for me NOT to spend much this month. Though I did mention previously I want to keep my entire bonus, I may need to use a bit for my loan. I also need to pay off my brother's school fees which regrettably, I didn't manage to pay last bonus. Instead, I bought unnecessary things. Yes, even the prudent me can make mistakes and that's why this year I am determined not to make the same mistakes again.

Well, looks like the eyeshadow palette that I want from Maybelline may have to wait, even if it doesn't cost $20. Have to reinforce in myself  again, that there is time and place for everything.

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