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Justify My Bargains

Sometimes I blog because I am procrastinating. Currently I'm procrastinating on what to write in my to-do list. I vow to start afresh this month and not waste so much time just sitting here and surfing net coz there are a lot of things to do basically. 

But anyway, let me do a quick post. 

I recently went out shopping with two friends on different occasions and I actually enjoy going out with them even if I don't buy anything but of course, after some time, I will get bored but it's just natural to feel that way. It's just that sometimes I don't get the 'science' of fashion like how this does not suit you like in what ways because to me, I don't see the difference whether you are wearing this or that especially if they are of the same colour and they basically look the same to me. I tell ya it's difficult to go out shopping with someone so analytical about things that everything needs to be justified. I don't know..but to me...the only justification I need for myself is whether I look fat in it, whether I will wear it and not chuck it inside the cupboard only and whether is it value for money coz you know I don't quite earn much to have the luxuries of shopping till I drop.

My friend tried on different different pairs of jeans, and can't help if that shop sells seriously many different types of jeans, like they just don't have straight cut, they have slim straight cut, curvy straight wtf?! To me, they mostly look the same on her and I guess only she will know the difference such as whether she feels comfortable wearing them. But she was so analytical about them though I do understand why she felt that way coz she will be wearing those jeans for the long time and it's not always a bargain to bag two pairs of jeans under $100 and by a brand brought to you by Levi's, no less.

I can understand though why it's cheaper than the original Levi's. It's made in Indonesia :s but narh, won't spoil her day.

Whatever it is, seriously you don't need to justify to me what  you are buying this or that. But I know they're just using me as a platform to justify the things they buy coz they want to make sure it's money well spent. It's hard for me to disagree especially if they really really want to buy them and I don't want to be the cause of their sleepless nights for not getting the item, haha. While I do voice out concerns especially if I think they don't actually need it if I notice it doesn't look good on them or I've seen them wearing something similar, or it's like way too pricey, but if they find something they like and they can afford it, why not.

I'm sure as adults, they should know how to budget their own money but you know, we women are easily swayed by bargain buys, haha. So we have that little weakness and even for me, I am the type who watches what I spend on and  make sure every now and then I have some spare money if I were to get the item which is not on my 'to buy' list. But I myself can't resist one off buys like a cropped cardigan that was selling at $15 and now only at $10 and it's the only piece left and best of all, in my size. If I can walk away from it, fine. Oh, and I got a hongbao money so the first time round, I didn't get coz my friend liked it, and I didn't think I should be buying it either. But with the hongbao money, I went to another outlet and got it when I went to search for it :) coz I actually wanted it in the first place. Lucky thing too coz it was the only one left.

Whatever it is, one advice I have for you peeps. If it looks ill fitting on you, don't kid yourself. Sometimes you know how the top can fit you but it doesn't suit you and even if it comes in a nice colour, just don't get it for the sake of the colour. Or even jeans. If it fits you but somehow looks funny on you, don't waste your money either even if it's the type of jeans which you don't have. For example, not everybody can rock in a slim fit jeans. I know I don't and even if you don't care what people say, yadah yadah, seriously, if you bring yourself down to ground level and judge for yourself, it's just not suitable for you. I'm just sayin' coz I do see people looking terrible in what they're wearing just coz their friends are wearing the same things but they look better coz of their different body sizes.

Don't forsake comfort for the sake of fashion ;)

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