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Dealing with Big Problems in Life

My legs are so freaking tired...and only because we had to walk quite a long while just to find a freaking sit!! But then can't blame all the people there. It was Deepavali so technically it's a public holiday. But no matter what, I enjoyed the company of my ex colleague. Actually from this morning's conversation, I thought that she had a hand in getting this guy which I talked about recently to get to know me but she didn't have a part to play. She only suggested playfully to another ex colleague of mine that I, uhm, may need some help to find a guy. She didn't expect her to take it seriously.

Anyway, it's over. I haven't heard from him the last few days so I assume he has found someone better to chat with since he basically is looking around. Ah well, no hard feelings. 

 Hearing two bad news in a matter of days regarding other people's problems is not easy. I appreciate the fact that they are willing to share their news to me even to the point of not telling their siblings first. I want to help but I can only do so much although for the second problem, I may be able to help her. Not in terms of monetary help but rather, giving her space to put her furniture while she finalize her housing matters.

Some problems are never easy to deal with. Some take time to solve and even if they can be solved, there may not be closure. You just have to learn to move on and deal with it one at a time. Instead of just waiting for the problem to go away, of which chances are they may not, it's best to seek help. But while you seek help, you should open yourself to others because problems can make you mentally exhausted.

 To me, writing is a good avenue for me. While many others treat blogs as a good way of making money or to insult others, I treat it as a way for me to vent out life's frustrations. But then I do try to make it a bit fun by writing stuffs that others can learn like my recent foray into writing about health and beauty. But sometimes, they may also learn from what Im dealing with in life like how do I go about figuring out on how to iron out the kinks. I do sometimes attempt to share my happiness with close friends but I figure, they have better things to read than to hear me rant or hyperventilate. It does feel like they're ignoring me especially if they don't reply to my messages. But I don't take it to heart but just let it be. Writing is still good enough for me :)

For these two people who are having difficulties right now, please stay strong. Think of God and He will help you find a way out. Just don't give up yet.

I struggle too every single day. I may not have the luxuries of owning a branded bag like an LV bag, I may not be able to shop as and when I please like some kind of retail therapy, and I may not be able to afford those high end beauty products in order to make myself to look and feel good, but it's okay. Call me low maintenance, I don't really care. I put my family above me and I do not want them to go hungry. I believe when the timing is right, like having spare cash in the middle of a huge sales which is always a 'whee!!' moment for me, I can get to enjoy buying new things like new clothes or new make up. So it's ok although I do admit after a long while, it does get a tad boring wearing almost the same thing every now and then that I crave to buy something new. 

So, that will be the time when I will break my self imposed 'no shopping' ban on myself and get something new for myself provided I can afford it and I still have money left and without the guilt. I always do a trade off like oh, if I get this, I must figure out how to cover the cost for this. So basically shopping is not something I do blindly. 

For now, I haven't felt the urge to shop for new clothes yet. Okay maybe just a tinge but now I want to get those darn dangly earrings from Forever 21. They're so pretty and so affordable. I feel like I should do a wardrobe makeover for my earrings. I feel like Im not doing any justice to myself by going accessorize-less. Every girl should accessorize. At work, don't say lah coz there's no one there that I want to basically show off to..haha. Maybe...that one teacher but in my dreams.

So I have planned to make my way there and buy the pretty earrings! And based on calculations, I will only spend less than $10. Whee!! Okay that is settled for now. My next aim is to also get eye cream. Never mind about eyeshadows though Im dying to get that make up palette. I want to say good bye to tired eyes!

Okay quick update before I go. Im happy that my mother's money has been reimbursed. It was meant for my brother's medicine that cost almost $60. At first I was quite unhappy that I thought she has quit and she might not have received my email for the reimbursement. After the second day of November, I still didn't get, I thought I should email to inquire coz it wouldn't kill too ask as it is money after all. And she replied quite quickly that I would get it by 4 November 2010. I stopped checking coz it was too troublesome to check and always seeing the same pathetic amount. But just now when I checked, it has been reimbursed. Okay at least something to tide over while waiting for my payday this coming Friday.

 I really need to go now and wash off the make up gunk. I think my eyeshadow application skills are getting better although for awhile there I scared myself a bit coz it looked horrible at first. But I managed to make it a little bit less horrible looking..haha. Takes time. 

Until the next post!

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