I was a HUUUUUUUUGE Power Rangers Season 1 fan back then in secondary school. It was like a ritual for me to watch every Gawd Damn Saturday. I even watched the movies.
After that, their reincarnations sucked.
Well, the original is always the best. And I had this thing for the Red Ranger..heh.
Oh, and a bit of a trivia. I devised its signature sound when they received a beeper on their communicator (sorta like a watch)..which is the same as 'GO! GO! Power Rangers!' theme..using the telephone tones as you punch the number and the series of numbers (six of them) become part of my generic password. Which explains why my password is longer than usual and whenever they need a password of at least 8 characters..AND..also alphanumeric, no problemo.
But the only two times i use the sequence in all its glory is for ATM pin online and offline. Friends from early days knew my password though I swore I never told them but somehow I think they managed to sneak a peek at the first two or what accidentally and they would be like..'hrm..I think i know ur pin number already so I can rob u if I want to.' Like there's anything to rob, in the first place..
If you wanna know how it sounds like, actually I heard some people use it as their message tone. Wah, NOW then they devised a tone out of it.