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Dieting May Kill


okay I admit i went a bit bonkers last week that almost let to my meltdown but I kinda stuck to my mantra of trying to live each single day..simply trying to survive and just accepting things as they are and trying to make the best of it. I also try to think that sometimes out of certain shortcomings, I can stand to benefit something from it or learn one thing or two. It helps in a way as I try to focus on other things rather than just focusing on my problems. Life isnt easy and if it is, I would have been married to Luke..or at least no one will proclaim Luke to be gay in the internet just coz he hangs out with T R Knight. Grow up lah people. But I still will have no probs if he long as he retains that cute factor. And Oh! Wentworth too old for you lah..

so yah..tomorrow is D DAY I will be working with that dreaded partner. But thanks to the intervention of my colleagues who had worked with her, they decided to bring up her habits to our leader and today, they had a word with leader and our supervisor..yes..the one who supposedly had a crush on me. But no..I dont think so lah.....seriously. I dont know if tomorrow she will change her habits or what but whatever it is, I dont want to get stressed out by her..I just do what Im supposed to do and I dont care if she feels like she can take advantage or take the easy way out..just dont get in the way of my work and thats fine by me. Thing like so called trying to maintain professionalism..can put one side lah..coz to my knowledge, you can give top notch service but if they dont like you, it means they dont like you. I know I sound as if Im so defeated and so wrong, but Im going through so much lately. I dont want any additional burden.

Okay, on to finer things in life..pfft..yeah right. On to OTHER people's lives, last week I was in office most of the time and killing my eyeballs with so much of data entry that I was this close to swearing off computers. So anyway, it seems that a few of my colleagues are trying their hands at dieting and I must say, at least one of them is showing progress.

Im all for a healthier way of dieting so if I hear about people skipping their lunches or not eating at all and using their lunch hour for vigorous exercising, or they exercise too vigorously until you can hardly see a strain of fats on them, I pity these people. Then there are like one or two of my colleagues who skip out main meals and choose to have light snacks which are like these fried snacks or basically snacks that are high in sugar or fats such as chicken pie or fried banana fritters. And then they scoff down their food while looking at our main meals with the sarcastic look like, oh you're putting on weight while im losing weight.

Well, excuse me?! Whatever supplement you're taking that you bought off the net is short term and what kind of diet is that which doesnt allow you to eat anything but only drink warm water?! Wtf..

And then got the decency to make the way into the gym and telling me that you're losing weight and you feel lighter all around as if implying that you dont need to go through the trouble that Im taking. *yawns......*

Look, I dont care how they want to diet or if they think their miracle diet is helping them lose weight and give them the authority to wear tighter clothes (but still look rather ghastly to sorry but it's the truth) just so that people will sit up and take notice. Fine by me if they feel more confident but seriously, they're just endangering themselves by not eating or eating supposedly light snacks and then complain they feel like they're putting on weight.

People, get this right in your head. Skipping food out of your diet spells disaster not for now but in the future when it comes to your health. It's all about eating the right proportions and choosing the right food.

Okaylah, if you really want to try losing weight, aim for a 0.5kg to 1kg weight loss per week. It's really simple. Morning, you can have maybe two pieces of digestive biscuits or wholemeal bread with one side spread of peanut butter. Then you can drink milk or milk tea with less sugar. Afternoon, if you're eating noodles, choose bee hoon or handmade noodle with a soupy base. Try not to buy those sugary drinks coz they contain empty calories. Then, avoid snacking and if you are hungry, drink a pack of low fat milk or reduced sugar soya bean milk or eat a piece of digestive biscuit to help you tide over the hunger pangs till dinner time. And if you're having dinner but had a heavy lunch, opt for a lighter dinner instead. Reduce your rice proportion and increase your veggie intake. Dont forget fruits as added fibre.

If you can cut out rice, then replace it with two pieces of wholemeal bread with peanut butter spread for some added fats or proteins. Yes, you still need fats but not too much. You can have milo or milk (sorry im a milk fan) and try your mighty best to keep your mind occupied with other things besides food. Exercising is still a must lah and if you cant afford heavy duty exercises, walking is still the best option but try to walk as much as you can during work and after work to burn any calories especially after lunch so that you wont retain so much calories inside your body because once it retains these calories, it will convert to fats. Over the weekends, you can try to walk longer distances from one place to another and try to increase the mileage once you feel comfortable enough at a certain distance.

Then try to keep refined carbo like white rice at a minimum per week like maybe just two to three times per week. And no, let me emphasize, chicken pie, roti prata or carrot cake does not constitute a good replacement of white rice. Im sure you can do better like maybe handmade noodle or bee hoon soup.

But please dont suffer for the sake of dieting just so that you can lose a dress size or two. It's not easy like even I get lapses some times like a bloated tummy which makes it harder for me to dress up coz the skirt and top will feel tighter and it will remain so like until a month. It happens if I get my eating habits spiral out of control a bit coz I have a weakness for food and I especially love to snack. Sometimes, the evil takes over me and I have to suffer temporarily from my moment of gluttony.

So no worries, we're all humans and we need to be spanked a bit to get back on track. It's just a matter of who spank who and Im talking rubbish now.

Anyway, please eat k?


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