Okay, I sounded desperate in my last post and the truth is, I admit I am. But I believe that in every difficulty that we face, we come out of it stronger, wiser and better. It gives me the opportunity to review how things are going for me and what I did in the past, in a moment of folly, that made me forget about what I have pledged to do in order to make things right, for material gains instead. If the cause of my misery, is because of this, I will not repeat the same mistake and will open my heart and my eyes more and believe that material goods, such as new bags, new shoes or makeup, can only make you a beautiful person on the outside. I must strive to be as beautiful as I am outside (though I beg to differ on that) as I am on the inside. I aim for a more enriched yet simple life of which the needs for new shoes and bags cannot compromise for. Of course, if I really need a new bag coz my bag is all worn out and there happened to be a bag DYING to be bought because it is on a huge...