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Drama Buff

I just realised that I know the american channels, both cable and non cable, better than the local cable channels. Why? Coz I read drama and reality tv reviews and episode guides on the internet which also tell which channel they come from. Of course they are way ahead of us like how Ugly Betty is now in the 10th episode of its second season while right now, Im like STILL ANTICIPATING for the first episode from the current season. As open as the Americans are, they do have family friendly shows which swerve away from showing too much into the lifestyles of the younger generations, aka college students and the young adults, but without completely avoiding the themes which reflect the real life dramadey of these demographic groups. Uhm, for example, premarital sex, booze and hard parties. But sometimes they do add a bit of 'colour' as a way of experimenting to cater to a niche group of people like portraying interracial relationships and single parent families.

SO, it's really interesting and I do enjoy watching independent movies made by film students or low budget film production companies because they do try to push the boundaries compared to mainstream movies and dramas. Of course, as engaging as the storyline can be, sometimes it can be a little bit too farfetched and the acting pretty stiff. But, there is still hope for improvement because online viewers often give their two cents' worth of opinions based on these indie films and if you read through them, can be pretty constructive though they're not exactly experienced film critics or something.

But, it kinda changed me a bit. Because of this exposure towards indie films where the actors are not well known but either undergraduates or graduates of theatre and film studies, I kinda have a bit of lost interest towards the mainstream movies with 'blockbuster' pasted all over them.

Still, they do have these indie films or art films as they call it here but, like I said, sometimes they can be quite a bore to watch. A bit of something is a novelty but if there is too much of something, it can be a little bit overpowering such as when they try to put in so many mismatched ingredients in a broth, it can kill the flavour. Somehow you have to strike a balance and if they are successful at doing that, it can be one heck of a pleasurable movie to watch without losing interest in between or be disappointed with the ending which leaves you scratching your head thinking what message are they trying to put across.

However, I still like movies with happy endings or at least those movies where the main characters struggled through and then come out triumphant or they, so to speak, 'beat all odds'. Im a sucker for that.

But being someone who confess to watching tv shows with hunks on parade for no purpose, you cant take my words seriously in this entry. Then again, Im just diversifying my palate..hehe..


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