I haven't been writing good things recently because of the turn of events in my life at the moment. And now I have to write yet another bad thing that happened to me but I shall reserve it for a later post. Oh by the way, if you see my posts are quite short, it's basically because Im blogging from work using my email account as a disguise..heh.
I had a weird dream yesterday. Actually, my dreams have always been weird but sometimes, it's just so..er..extra weird. Let me explain first the root of the dream. Ok for awhile, I had been corresponding with one of the staff from the housing board regarding the transfer of ownership. At first, it was very formal but it turned a liiiitle bit semi formal but not to an extent that it was so casual like friends. But I needed to sound sincere coz I had to tell my problems regarding the payment, the resecheduling and also my mum's condition.
I actually sent numerous email to this person named Mr Toh and after awhile, he was like 'Hi Rahayu' as opposed to 'Dear Rahayu' even though I was rather angry in my last email to him when no hdb officer came to my aunt's house and made us wait for nothing. Well at least he was also sincere in replying back that it was an honest mistake and that he did try to call me but got an engaged tone instead..which I was quite puzzled why that would happen. Anyway whatever.
So the thing was that, I thought it was kind of him to extend the date for quite a long time from May to August :S (go figure..but it's not my fault) and also made arrangements for an officer to come down to my aunt's place and then later to my own house when my mum returned back home.
He was supposed to email me back the confirmed date and time for the appointment but he called instead and he sounded quite casual about it like oh, I knew him for some time. But then I think I sounded quite serious..heh..like 'yes?' which I think scared him a bit...haha. But that is how I sound like...when it's some official call or when I answer calls from work.
Oh yes, the dream. Yesterday, I walked past the hdb branch office where he is from and then casually thought how he looked like and if he was working at that point of time when I saw some of them working hard at their cubicles. And then I just HAD to dream about it *sigh* Actually as for me, if I were to see the guy beyond potential..er..guy friend..I tend to nitpick and I think I nitpicked on the way he speaks. Nothing wrong with the way he speaks though..but like I said, I nitpicked when I had this casual thought about him like hrm...what if we become friends? I didn't really think he spoke perfect English. And you wonder why Im still single.
So so...weird....the dream..especially when he was of a different race (Indian?!). Then the first guy, before he morphed into the Indian guy, gave me a yellow flower as I was passing by his cubicle. Don't ask what I was doing there. It's a weird dream.