My mum was like scolding me few days ago saying why did you have to announce on facebook about seeing other people dressed up for hari raya as if you wanted to and then now you complain you don't want to go to your relative's houses? Heh..ok I said I was sorry like maybe I should have kept my mouth shut coz now my aunt knows and then she wants me to go over to her house over the weekend. Of course, as usual I complained. And then it's my birthday tomorrow!! I don't want to spend it at her house...tsk.
Anyway, my ex colleagues wanted to come over to my house if I allow them to and then at first my mum didn't want them to come coz the house is messy blah blah blah...but then maybe she thought I was unhappy (actually, I am...) so she decided that they can come. PROVIDED! I clean the house first. Actually, there's not much to clean..hehe..ever since the kind cleaning lady did the initial cleaning up and we have been following it up since. Er..okay maybe not the mopping and the vacuuming. But I guess I have to over the weekend tomorrow. I bought a packet of wet wipers to mop the floor coz it's simple to use. After it has been used up, just take another wiper. No rinsing required. But I think I have been too caught up trying to watch most of the episodes of the korean drama Life is Beautiful that my life has been put on the setback including the mopping..haha.
I have a pact with myself. Until someone subs the last few latest episodes of the korean drama, then I will watch again. I think I watched most of the episodes already but generally skipped most of the parts except where Kyung Soo appeared..haha. Not that Im biased because Kyung Soo's scenes can be heartwrenching especially when he had his conversations with his mother compared to the other lighthearted scenes involving Tae Sub's extended families. But the stupid videos take so long to load so I've got no choice! Maybe one fine day I will let the different parts of an episode load and then watch them all.
Tonight, I will want to clear a lot of stuffs from my room then if possible, wipe down my room especially the dusty bits. I don't know why...I cleared up so many things in my room already but they are still jam packed. I didn't know Im such a hoarder over the years. Good thing I have stopped being a hoarder. Will I succumb to the temptation to watch my korean drama? Only time will tell..haha.