I like my blog post title. Asian Delight..haha. In case you think I am talking about some Asian delicacies, Im not..unless I consider him as a nice comforting dessert..hehe.
What problem? That I just keep staring at you and your physique? |
Kyong Soo from Life is Beautiful |
It was heartbreaking for him because he felt like an outcast by his own mother. His mother is being unreasonable but if I were to put myself in her shoes, I would understand why she is feeling that way and how hard for her to accept the fact that her son just wouldn't want to live a life as dictated by her just because it was a traditional and idealist Korean way of life which he wasn't happy in.
Another character whom I dislike but don't totally hate is the youngest uncle in the extended family. He is often grumpy and has basically a loose mouth where everyone is often trying to ask him to shut up before he does even more damage.
Overall, the show is addictive..heh. And every time I see Kyong Soo, my heart melts and I become this fan girl. I almost died when he took off his clothes leaving him in just his tank top and black briefs before he stepped into the shower. In the show, the other characters also acknowledged how tall and handsome he was just like a movie star and how he had such great physique. Indeed, he has..heh. He's just soooo...hunky and swoon worthy. Infact Korean movie stars and singers have such great physiques. Just look at Rain although he does look rather boyish looking compared to my Kyong Soo who looks more manly.
I still have a problem with his hairstyle although it keeps getting better. But in real life, not so much like he couldn't be bothered with it and just let his hair becomes so overgrown :S. So I won't complain about it. I think his great physique pretty much makes up for everything..haha.
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