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Life is Beautiful

How beautiful life can be, it's up to us. I picked up from a korean drama which Im currently loving. So much so, I ate kimchi, which is like their famous side dish like how Malays like their food with sambal belacan though people like me don't even like the taste or the smell of it, heh. Strange me.

Anyway, this past weekend, upon discovering a website where they put up all the episodes of Life is Beautiful, I had been spending a weee bit too much time watching them. Plus it takes a lot of time to download them as well :S But in between, I had been a good girl like doing laundry, cleaning the table top, throwing out the rubbish and running errands for my mum *grins* but of course, not without constant nagging to get out of the house and buy those things that my mum had asked me to get hours before.

I was supposed to have done more today like cleaning some parts of my room but I think will have to wait coz my stomach is so super freaking full just now because we met up with my aunt at Woodlands for dinner. Then we continued eating again when we reached home. So bloated now.

So without further delay, let me introduce to you......

Life is Beautiful

The show centered on a Korean family and their extended members like the grandparents, uncles and their better halves. It's not so melodramatic but it's pretty easy going. Yet, there are some drama moments where you actually sympathize with the characters and also dislike as well but the show also explains why they are behaving like that. For example, they feel hurt so it's natural that they are upset.

Im just amazed how much the Koreans emphasize filial piety. It's something we all should learn from because now, people hardly respect one another even to their own parents. I tell ya it's sad when I heard one kid shouting at the father and then when he was called out on how rude he was, he just dismissed it saying that oh, his father didn't care if he shouted at him or not. What a bratty attitude.

At last count there were 48 episodes. On youtube, I found a channel that also put up episodes of Life is Beautiful but only selected parts which happen to be my favourite parts too so Im not complaining...haha. Currently I have two favourite characters, Kyung Soo and Tae Sub. Kyung Soo could have done with a better hair cut but I can't get enough of his great physique. Even one writer commented how well he fills up a tank top..haha.

Okay Im off watching life is beautiful again...*smirks*

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