I've yet to get back my blogging mojo..darn it. But hey, I'll try my best. And oh, one more thing, I think Im going to give my blog a little makeover and no, that does not mean a new blogskin (but a possibility though..heh..). It will sort of have different categories which you can easily browse through. i dont think there is going to be much since, ahem..rahayu has a very exclusive taste..like not all things turn up the heat in her..haha.
But for a start, Im going to give my review of Jason Mraz's new album! woohoo! It's called, 'We Sing, We Dance and We Steal things.' Now I wish I got the album in full and I've already made a pact with myself that I will most definitely get the album but uhm...maybe, now is not a good time. And then things make quite a turn when I wanted to try to find one of the singles on the net that is also in the new album and it's called 'live high'. So I tried my luck in finding that one out and in less than ten minutes, I actually came across the whole album via torrent (incidentally, that will be in another category called 'geek speaks'..see how all these categories start to come together?!).
So it had the option of me downloading the entire album or the singles that I wanted off the album. And uhm.....well, we're talking about Jason Mraz here! Of course, if the artist deserves to be credited for their musical talent and efforts, I will most definitely support it by buying the album. But seeing this is the first time that I came across such a thing, apart from a whole season of Supernatural which also came in a 'package' but with the options to download the episode that I wanted only, I thought why not I just..uhm..give it a try. The file size is smaller anyway too. Yes, Im wrecked with guilt after that. So much for artist support. But then again, Jason did say that he is not against downloading of music. I wonder if my internet subscriber share similar viewpoints as well.
Dont worry, Im not one of those serial downloaders. It's one of those obscure things that I do like downloading an entire indie film and then just yesterday, some youtube subscriber uploaded the whole thing in several parts *smacks forehead*. I can tell you off hand that I used this torrent software less than ten times. See, not all my fingers are used!
Oh, and a little unknown fact. The last album that I bought was in 2006 and that was Jason Mraz's last album.
Okay, talking about purchases, Im on a seriously tight budget this month and fingers crossed, I hope nothing crops up and that's it. My world will come crashing down. Im doing what I can to try to 'prolong' my savings and I dont want to say what I do exactly in order to save money coz it will invite controversies and Im too famous for yet another of those controversies, thank you very much.
Yes, if you read my previous blog post about a certain friend, I finally plucked out every single lazy bone in me and hauled myself to the prayers' ceremony. Fortunately, I had a bit of company in the form of her roomie and her friend and they're very nice and friendly people. Though they're very much intellectual (one is still studying in NTU while the other was a former student of NUS..two top universities in Singapore), they really dont behave like their nose is so way up high. I enjoyed listening to them talking to each other and the friendly teasing among themselves. I think one of the funniest moment was when her roomie was asking her friend on the way to the bus interchange 'So are you going to see me off?' and the friend's face was like all *eyes rolling* and she was like okay..'first, you are going off for two days' and second..'it's PULAU UBIN!!' But the roomie remarked, 'well..still Im going off what.'
It didnt end there. Her friend said 'okay, then are you going to send me off on Tuesday too? Send me off to work. Coz Im going off too what.' Well, I dont know if it sounds funny to you but it did to me at that point of time. The other one was that her roomie pointed her to something and she was like 'yah i can see that' which made her retort back to her friend's earlier remark that she was special by saying 'precisely! so whats so special about you? You can see that sign board!' Of course to her friend's dismay..'You cant judge me with some random signboard!!'
I dont know..kinda reminded me of the sort of friendship me and Mariah have but Mariah is the more intellectual one while my intellectual ability is of the same level as a starstruck dumb blonde. But hey, opposites attract which makes our friendship all the more unique. Besides, there are so many friendships as described earlier too that after awhile, it gets tiresome when it sounds pretty safe especially when you try to find 'witty remarks' to make all the time to counter to what your friends say. Hey, friendship doesnt have to be so taxing on the brain, right?!
Okay, besides trying to juggle on a tight budget, and listening to my mum FOREVER verbal bashing on my father and his family, Im on the lookout for the next American Idol!!!! As predicted by so many people, the two Davids are going to compete against each other for the idol trophy! While there are fan favourites on both side, Im okay with either one but of course, it will be superb if David Cook wins because he is simply awesome!
That reminds me, I shall go trawl the net again to find his remake of Mariah Carey's 'Always be my Baby' *sniff* What a heartfelt song singing in such deeeep...manly...voice. Too bad I cant relate to the song..but I can always relate to David Cook!!!
But for a start, Im going to give my review of Jason Mraz's new album! woohoo! It's called, 'We Sing, We Dance and We Steal things.' Now I wish I got the album in full and I've already made a pact with myself that I will most definitely get the album but uhm...maybe, now is not a good time. And then things make quite a turn when I wanted to try to find one of the singles on the net that is also in the new album and it's called 'live high'. So I tried my luck in finding that one out and in less than ten minutes, I actually came across the whole album via torrent (incidentally, that will be in another category called 'geek speaks'..see how all these categories start to come together?!).
So it had the option of me downloading the entire album or the singles that I wanted off the album. And uhm.....well, we're talking about Jason Mraz here! Of course, if the artist deserves to be credited for their musical talent and efforts, I will most definitely support it by buying the album. But seeing this is the first time that I came across such a thing, apart from a whole season of Supernatural which also came in a 'package' but with the options to download the episode that I wanted only, I thought why not I just..uhm..give it a try. The file size is smaller anyway too. Yes, Im wrecked with guilt after that. So much for artist support. But then again, Jason did say that he is not against downloading of music. I wonder if my internet subscriber share similar viewpoints as well.
Dont worry, Im not one of those serial downloaders. It's one of those obscure things that I do like downloading an entire indie film and then just yesterday, some youtube subscriber uploaded the whole thing in several parts *smacks forehead*. I can tell you off hand that I used this torrent software less than ten times. See, not all my fingers are used!
Oh, and a little unknown fact. The last album that I bought was in 2006 and that was Jason Mraz's last album.
Okay, talking about purchases, Im on a seriously tight budget this month and fingers crossed, I hope nothing crops up and that's it. My world will come crashing down. Im doing what I can to try to 'prolong' my savings and I dont want to say what I do exactly in order to save money coz it will invite controversies and Im too famous for yet another of those controversies, thank you very much.
Yes, if you read my previous blog post about a certain friend, I finally plucked out every single lazy bone in me and hauled myself to the prayers' ceremony. Fortunately, I had a bit of company in the form of her roomie and her friend and they're very nice and friendly people. Though they're very much intellectual (one is still studying in NTU while the other was a former student of NUS..two top universities in Singapore), they really dont behave like their nose is so way up high. I enjoyed listening to them talking to each other and the friendly teasing among themselves. I think one of the funniest moment was when her roomie was asking her friend on the way to the bus interchange 'So are you going to see me off?' and the friend's face was like all *eyes rolling* and she was like okay..'first, you are going off for two days' and second..'it's PULAU UBIN!!' But the roomie remarked, 'well..still Im going off what.'
It didnt end there. Her friend said 'okay, then are you going to send me off on Tuesday too? Send me off to work. Coz Im going off too what.' Well, I dont know if it sounds funny to you but it did to me at that point of time. The other one was that her roomie pointed her to something and she was like 'yah i can see that' which made her retort back to her friend's earlier remark that she was special by saying 'precisely! so whats so special about you? You can see that sign board!' Of course to her friend's dismay..'You cant judge me with some random signboard!!'
I dont know..kinda reminded me of the sort of friendship me and Mariah have but Mariah is the more intellectual one while my intellectual ability is of the same level as a starstruck dumb blonde. But hey, opposites attract which makes our friendship all the more unique. Besides, there are so many friendships as described earlier too that after awhile, it gets tiresome when it sounds pretty safe especially when you try to find 'witty remarks' to make all the time to counter to what your friends say. Hey, friendship doesnt have to be so taxing on the brain, right?!
Okay, besides trying to juggle on a tight budget, and listening to my mum FOREVER verbal bashing on my father and his family, Im on the lookout for the next American Idol!!!! As predicted by so many people, the two Davids are going to compete against each other for the idol trophy! While there are fan favourites on both side, Im okay with either one but of course, it will be superb if David Cook wins because he is simply awesome!
That reminds me, I shall go trawl the net again to find his remake of Mariah Carey's 'Always be my Baby' *sniff* What a heartfelt song singing in such deeeep...manly...voice. Too bad I cant relate to the song..but I can always relate to David Cook!!!