you know what...sometimes i think my mum should just let bygones be bygones...and not harp so much on other people's misdeeds towards our family. I mean..if people want to help, they will offer their help but if they dont, we cant force them even though it is wrong for them to take something that rightfully belong to us. SHe is still not over the fact that my father's family does not really care about him and does not offer help even though they're pretty well off while we are struggling. Yes, it has been a struggle coping with the family's expenses and it is a huge responsibility for me coz I cant always say no to my mum's demands to buy this or buy that. But I'd rather just want her to see things from a different perspective what can she do to lighten the family's burden rather than always picking on our relatives on their lack of help.
I mean, if she can cook rice, she can jolly well cook rice instead of just asking me to buy almost every day because she doesnt want my brother to go hungry at night. But she just say and say but nothing is in progress like it is hard for her to even lift a finger. Then yesterday, when she knows about my current pathetic state of finance especially when one or two days near pay day, Im like suffering a huge shortage, finally she cooked rice. She wanted to fry eggs for me but she was dilly dallying i have to seriously fry eggs....and then what felt like an eternity later, finally she fried eggs for me. I told her if she did not want to fry eggs, she did not have to. I ate porridge already that was given from my colleagues so it was not necessary. But I guess she was kinda proud that she cooked something that she felt obliged to wanna eat her cooked rice. SO I told her the simplest method to fry the egg coz she was thinking scrambled but knowing how hard it was for her to even break an egg, I was know..I am not fussy so you can just break it open and let it fry on its own. Dont even have to turn it over.
SO yeah, after SOOoooOOOoo long...I finally ate rice and egg. I was not even talking about the 'to fry or not to fry' egg dilemma, I was also talking about her cooking rice dilemma which she put on hold since last Saturday.
But knowing my mum's state of mind where she simply hates people to order her around, I just let her be and not to put pressure on her to cook. I do love her home cooked food no matter how simple but she hates people to judge her cooking like ask her to put more of this or more of that so she just play dumb now by not cooking at all. Of course, to me that is very childish of her to be in her late forties and still behave like a moody kid, but thats my mum.
Anyway, on to less serious stuff. I have been dabbling in a bit of online social networking and even though I havent really made any friends but simply add people after's been pretty interesting. Not a single soul caught my wait...there was one cute guy who is like this pan asian guy or something..and he'! Sorta like a cross between a surfer dude and a musician...well, that's just my take. Other than that, a lot of malay guys lah but totally crap in the sense that I think they're just to make women friends. Some are okay like they dont just pick out the pretty jambu ones in provocative shots or in their best minah pose, they do have 'friends' who is as real as the girl next door. I told mariah that this is a place where you can easily make 'friends' but seriously, I do doubt the sincerity of these people.
I am not being racist or something here but Im not really into malay guys like those bumming around and not setting themselves a certain standard. Unfortunately, a majority is just like that. It's like they think girls will easily surrender themselves to them solely based on their looks and charm...which yet again...they DO just surrender just like that too....and that's quite a sad fact.
BUt thats jz me..or my mum for tat matter.
I mean, if she can cook rice, she can jolly well cook rice instead of just asking me to buy almost every day because she doesnt want my brother to go hungry at night. But she just say and say but nothing is in progress like it is hard for her to even lift a finger. Then yesterday, when she knows about my current pathetic state of finance especially when one or two days near pay day, Im like suffering a huge shortage, finally she cooked rice. She wanted to fry eggs for me but she was dilly dallying i have to seriously fry eggs....and then what felt like an eternity later, finally she fried eggs for me. I told her if she did not want to fry eggs, she did not have to. I ate porridge already that was given from my colleagues so it was not necessary. But I guess she was kinda proud that she cooked something that she felt obliged to wanna eat her cooked rice. SO I told her the simplest method to fry the egg coz she was thinking scrambled but knowing how hard it was for her to even break an egg, I was know..I am not fussy so you can just break it open and let it fry on its own. Dont even have to turn it over.
SO yeah, after SOOoooOOOoo long...I finally ate rice and egg. I was not even talking about the 'to fry or not to fry' egg dilemma, I was also talking about her cooking rice dilemma which she put on hold since last Saturday.
But knowing my mum's state of mind where she simply hates people to order her around, I just let her be and not to put pressure on her to cook. I do love her home cooked food no matter how simple but she hates people to judge her cooking like ask her to put more of this or more of that so she just play dumb now by not cooking at all. Of course, to me that is very childish of her to be in her late forties and still behave like a moody kid, but thats my mum.
Anyway, on to less serious stuff. I have been dabbling in a bit of online social networking and even though I havent really made any friends but simply add people after's been pretty interesting. Not a single soul caught my wait...there was one cute guy who is like this pan asian guy or something..and he'! Sorta like a cross between a surfer dude and a musician...well, that's just my take. Other than that, a lot of malay guys lah but totally crap in the sense that I think they're just to make women friends. Some are okay like they dont just pick out the pretty jambu ones in provocative shots or in their best minah pose, they do have 'friends' who is as real as the girl next door. I told mariah that this is a place where you can easily make 'friends' but seriously, I do doubt the sincerity of these people.
I am not being racist or something here but Im not really into malay guys like those bumming around and not setting themselves a certain standard. Unfortunately, a majority is just like that. It's like they think girls will easily surrender themselves to them solely based on their looks and charm...which yet again...they DO just surrender just like that too....and that's quite a sad fact.
BUt thats jz me..or my mum for tat matter.