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Showing posts from 2012

Beauty Loot

I've been buying quite a lot of make up recently and believe me, yes I felt the guilt. And it's like no no no..should NOT buy..then end up buying. While you don't see me donning eye shadows on regular days and besides the usual bb cream, and at times blusher, I honestly only wear eye shadows when I'm out with friends which isn't always by the way. Plus I have yet to score a date so yes, I'm only limited to wearing them when with friends...haha. Even though, it's not ALL the outings.  Oh well, I just love how the right application of make up can transform you into someone who is more beautiful and I've also mentioned before that make up does have that ability to give you that boost of confidence.  Plus how can you not lurve the array of colours, gloss, matt etc etc... But my budget honestly isn't big when it comes to make up so I just have to be smarter when it comes to buying make up to cut corners here and there. At the same time, I am also tryi...

Clothing Haul from Bonus Payout

If you have followed my entries before, if there's one thing I admit I am not good at is fashion. There is not a single bone of fashionista in me..haha. But yah, at least one of the things I try my best at is that I try to look at least co-ordinated or well put together instead of being sloppy and mismatched. And another thing is that I hardly buy clothes, honestly. So there will be the occasional buys usually around pay day but seriously hardly but the time when I get to buy new clothes with more than 1 piece is when I get my bonus payout which is 3 times in a year, well 3 if I get a good significant amount of performance bonus. Another time will be when we get our maintenance allowance for every quarter but usually, it's just one or two pieces at most usually, hardly. So cut to the chase, within the last two days plus last Friday when I went to Malaysia with my colleagues, I bought many many clothes! Again, my emphasis is that I'm not a fashionista so what I basicall...

Bonus & Study Plans

Hi Hi, Yes, the case of abandonment of blog. So much work to be done as we're rushing to meet the deadline before they cut off the usage of the system. Every day, a pile of work is waiting for me. I wanna be more carefree at work even though it kinda defeat the purpose of being at work..hehe. Anyway, it also has to do with how I organize my life which in this case is very disorganized. I think I seriously need to reflect back on my life and see which areas I need to improve to make my life more productive. I have the resources but I don't have the energy to do them. I even sorta abandon my current love of crafting new cards and notebooks simply because I am not motivated at all but I find that I am slowly regaining back that motivation in me. There are so many things that I want to say but I'll make it into several posts instead. But the first most important thing that I want to mention about is...this Wednesday is Bonus Day! Yes it's not a regular pay day but rat...

Get Movin'! Motivation to Exercise

So the second part of the weight loss help tips! I would say that the first time you tell yourself that you are going to lose the extra weight and have a healthy lifestyle, you are half way there already! NO KIDDING! You must believe that you have the right to have the body that you want and the health that you want. By believing in your right, you will be more motivated to work towards the right to have the body and health that you want! I guess everyone who is motivated to lose weight has this light bulb moment where they want to make this change. Every time you feel demotivated, you must stay focused by knowing WHY you are doing this in the first place. Is it because you want to be have energy because you are tired of feeling lethargic or you want to fit nicer looking clothes because you are tired of wearing frumpy clothing and people telling in your face 'no size! no size!' It hurts terribly for me when I see other friends having the freedom to choose the clothes while ...

Portion Control & Healthy Snacking

I haven't been writing about this for a long while regarding weight loss but yah, if you are like me who are still in the process of losing weight or at least want to try to lose weight but do not  know where to start, I can share some tips here. I started to slowly gain back the weight that I lost two years ago and even though it's not that significant, it bugs me because it made me go back to a past weight range after working so hard the last few years since the end of 2005. I guess it is because of the stress I was in that eating was such comfort. The 'best' part is (being sarcastic here), after the weight gain, even since then it has been a roller coaster ride. There will be a short victory and then somehow I would be back to the previous weight and what's worse, it will be slightly more. It is so frustrating. But finally, after tweaking a lot in my diet by carefully analyzing what has gone wrong and what could be done, I am finally (yet again) back on track...

Gratitude & Starting the Day Right

The auditors are finally gone and we're back to regular programming with mounts of paperwork...well, almost. It was so frustrating because we're so behind in terms of the past paperwork because there were many things that we were supposed to do and we didn't so we end up..or rather I, end up doing them for others as well. And then my manager tends to put the payment vouchers at her desk because the paperwork don't seem to end and more gets piled up and the previous paperwork gets buried underneath. However, I do not want to judge her organizational skills because I would say that she is a very effective leader. She has an eye for details and she's not afraid to voice out her opinions and displeasure only for the sake of making us improve ourselves and learn our mistakes. While other leaders may not care for staff welfare and is only concerned on getting promoted instead of helping us to progress and improve. So basically I went home so tired after being 'los...

Back from Hiatus

 Hi Hi, I'm back from quite a long hiatus! Yah I've been sick in the middle of the month and got super busy at work ever since we got the news that the auditors were coming so we have to clear a lot of back end work! I can't do much of any other things except clearing these back end work. So when I got back, I'm too tired to even open up blogger and type away so I chose to spend my time watching clips of Days of Our Lives, playing the Sims Social and also taking long naps. Oh, besides watching the popular soap drama DOOL, I've always been watching motivational videos and reading articles on them because I want to improve my life. I'm sick of being in debt due to my bad financial decisions and also how I have been spending my life. I don't want to merely exist but I want to live. I believe that if you put your mind to it, not give up and stay focus, you can make your dreams come true. Plus have you heard of the saying “Always aim for the Moon...

Shopping Warzone & Other Shopping Goodies

I entered  a war zone when I went to a Charles & Keith warehouse sales last Friday evening and while the crowd wasn't so bad initially but the longer I was there, the worse the crowd was becoming to a point of being jostled around and having little standing and walking space. To think that I wasn't even feeling very well and yet somehow, I made it there. Go figure. I mean, come on, it's a sales that I've been waiting for and the last time I was there, I didn't get any bags so I hope to get one as the current bag I have from them have started to peel though I really do like the bag. Sad but true story..haha. Anyway, the most amusing part was when the new trolleys of new unopened bags came in and the crowd went wild. Everyone started to gather around the bags area and the sales assistants were flinging bags and the crowd were stretching out their arms hoping to 'bag' the deal..get it? Heh. I didn't get any coz I didn't really stretch out my arm...

Awakened Shopping Spirit and a...Certain Website

After a long period of dry spell, the shopping spirit in me wakes up and I've been buying quite a number of things lately namely makeup, clothes, shoes and bags. Shoes, I've bought from a previous Johor trip and so far, I've worn one pair. Knowing me, I aimed for the sandals first because my current one is beyond recognition. As much as I thought that I've bought quite a number, let's say they don't add up to be that much. Later I will be doing a pictorial blog post on the things I've bought and also the crazy experience I went through with the much anticipated Charles and Keith warehouse sales. Anyway, I'm officially done with shopping until December because that is when the bonus crunch will come in and so within these next two months, I will concentrate on saving, paying off my bills and debts and also trying to earn money by concentrating on my online shop. But I won't say it is an end all shopping pursuit because sometimes when there is a g...

Singlehood: Not Good Enough For You

At last, after more than one and a half year...they're finally together! But then, this being a soap drama, there will be MORE drama later..ha! Anyway, you thought that this title refers to me eh? ha..not really. I may be wrong but I guess no matter how much confidence someone may exude, there is always this glimmer of thought that hey, we're not good enough. It sorta impacts me at times because when I read stuffs about couples or get to know them through video posts or what and then I feel, well I'm not as good as her. She may not be the slimmest person around but she has such a great sense of humour and personality. There are so many qualities that are attractive about her and I'm just not as good as her. Hence, my often silly thoughts that I'm not good enough for anyone and the fact that I don't seem to attract any guys is a clear indication that I'm...just not good enough. But then I thought again that some things take time to happen. Perhaps I...

The Jeans Diet

Brand new month and er..brand new diet plans! Haha.. I've got now exactly 3 months to reach my target weight and I believe that I can get there eventually...slowly but surely. Why I titled this post as The Jeans Diet is basically because I've got this pair of jeans which I'm desperate to be able to fit in again as the last time I could wear it without suffocating myself in the bottom half was in 2010 and then in 2011, things started to get downhill for me. Everything doesn't seem right for me which is also a contribution to my weight gain as I start to lose focus. But I believe I can get it straighten out and I've been seeing some progress. A long way to go still but we're getting there. I'm getting there. So this morning I tried to wear the pair of jeans and though I still struggle, I somehow managed to zip and button up. Just slightly more than a month ago, I couldn't even get the zip up. So I believe by the end of this month, not onl...

Quick Getaway to Johor Bahru

 I may have mentioned this a few times but..I suck at shopping..LOL. No seriously, I do. I just am not so updated about fashion (make up is a different story) so I don't really know how to dress myself up. People see clothes in store and they get inspired. I see clothes, I see them as dubious and then I see the price tag, I'm like okay.....what else is there. I guess I should change a bit. I do like though, simple cutting of blouses and basic shirts that are casual. Did I mention I suck at fashion? Oh, these are some of the pics taken by my two friends when we did a quick getaway. I believe the highlight for me is of course the food (we ate at Nandos which is not halal here by the way) and F.O.S or factory outlet store. For someone who lives on basic shirts, it's good for me..ha! I would say Cotton On over there is overpriced though in comparison to Sing dollars. So I browsed through and I fancied some of them but their price tag set me back and I thought that it would be...

Love Ourselves & Live Simply

We can get inspirations everywhere and not just from the memes of quotes people paste on their facebook wall..which honestly can get a tad bit annoying sometimes..hehe. And you know where I can inspirations from right if you follow my blog. I get them from whatever I watch on youtube be it from movies or dramas. One of them I learn is that if we don't love ourselves, how can we expect other people to love us?? That's true in the way. You used to hear me moan and groan about me being well, on the heavier side, but the fact that I'm doing something to make it better helps in a way and also about me not being as pretty as other girls but now I have slowly learn to appreciate the fact that this is my looks. Like it or not, it's mine. If other girls choose to have botox, chin filler, plastic surgery's their looks and they can damn well do whatever they want with it. But I just cringe when they overdo it and they end up looking uglier than they already are...

Pursuit of Happiness & The Joys in Life

I haven't cleared the things from my haul from Johor Bahru yesterday. To be honest, I didn't buy much but I guess it's in my nature to just not buy a lot in one single shopping spree but you know, I didn't want to make it a wasted trip. More on that in a separate post once I got the photos up. For once, I thought well it was good I lost a bit of weight so the clothes didn't look too awful on me when I tried them on. I guess the gym sessions and diet conscious me in the weeks prior to the trip helped in a bit? Hee.. My only one single regret is not getting one of the skirts from Factory Outlet Store and I'm deprived of skirts! I think the closest I could find a shop like FOS here in Singapore will be the Song & Song? I believe I can find it in Marine Parade and they sell similar stuffs like basically factory rejects of popular top brands that cost more in the actual shops. I guess I will drop by later to see if I can get one, as long as I still have the m...

Yet Another RAK!

I cannot believe my luck that I won yet another RAK (random act of kindness) on this closed facebook group with even more scrapbooking items! Jealous much?, can't believe my luck! While at that point of time for the first rak, I thought it came at such a good time because I was pretty upset I couldn't shop as much as these people do who seem to don't mind spending their moolah. Even though now I'm not totally broke and I managed to buy some little stuffs from the group, winning this RAK is like an icing on the cake...again!  This post was from an earlier RAK. So I collected my loot last Monday..or is it Admiralty and I'm so happy!!! I finally got an owl stamp in a set and the Tim Holtz distress stamp pad which I tried to find but everything was snapped up at the madewithlove shop. Gosh, those people are really crazeh..they literally sweep everything off the racks the minute the shop opens ever since the news came out that they were clo...

What's in the Bag

This is a pictorial version of what's in the bag..haha. I don't do videos which is probably more interesting but my things are not that interesting. At one point of time, it was a popular video in you tube where people show what are in their bags. Well, this is my version and the things that I carry around in my bag and some are brand new. I usually change bag every 2 to 3 weeks. By right, 2 but sometimes I am lazy to stash them into another bag although the process is usually very fast because I don't really have many stuffs. I'm not sure if you can see very well because I didn't take a good shot because it's past 4.30am in the morning and my eyes are blurry. Anyway, let's go from left to right.  There is this green umbrella which I've yet to use but the school attendant gave it to me because he found it. Yes, I'm surrounded by nice people. The hello kitty pouch which contains my keys and my internet banking security code thing. It ...

Closing Down of One of My Favourite Haunts

You know the shop that I often frequented and blogged about recently? Sadly, the shop is ceasing its operations in Singapore and will be concentrating on their stores in Indonesia. They could not find a favourable location in Singapore and then judging from the local scrapbooking market, they felt they were better off concentrating on their Indonesian market. That's sad. This is like the second scrapbooking supplies shop closing down this year.  So we were all hyped about the moving on sales and then now it has sourly turned to a closing down sales instead. You have no idea the egg-citement of me thinking of going down to Plaza Sing to visit the shop every time pay day comes. And I went a little crazy every time they have sales but not so crazy I spend hundreds. I save a hundred plus yes because their sales prices can be very good like up to 50% discount even. Ever since their announcement plus the recent one about them closing down, I had gone down four times. I most likely m...