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Gratitude & Starting the Day Right

The auditors are finally gone and we're back to regular programming with mounts of paperwork...well, almost. It was so frustrating because we're so behind in terms of the past paperwork because there were many things that we were supposed to do and we didn't so we end up..or rather I, end up doing them for others as well. And then my manager tends to put the payment vouchers at her desk because the paperwork don't seem to end and more gets piled up and the previous paperwork gets buried underneath.

However, I do not want to judge her organizational skills because I would say that she is a very effective leader. She has an eye for details and she's not afraid to voice out her opinions and displeasure only for the sake of making us improve ourselves and learn our mistakes. While other leaders may not care for staff welfare and is only concerned on getting promoted instead of helping us to progress and improve.

So basically I went home so tired after being 'lost' in paperwork back in office because most of the time, I did not know what I was doing and just do as instructed. But I am not taking it at face value like that. I learn how to do some things that we ignored in the past and use it as a learning process and who knows, a promotion for me in future.

I would say it has been a roller coaster ride.

However, at the same time, when I reach home, I have also been doing some things for my online business which of course, is still stagnant but I just want to imagine orders coming in and I become busy preparing the orders, receiving payment and sending them out to customers. That day will come, I promise myself :) I hope to leverage on the gift giving season which is Christmas and perhaps, I will try to heavily publicize it or something.

I've also been watching self help videos because I want good things to happen in my life and I don't wish to attract negativity. I don't know if 'The Secret' or the 'Law of Attraction' actually have some bearing to it and the best part is, they said there is no such thing as coincidence. So people becoming richer and the poor getting poorer is no coincidence. It's because of how you channel your thoughts and naturally, the universe acts upon it. 

Oh well, some things you take them with a pinch of salt. But they do make sense in certain things like gratitude and being thankful for what you already have instead what you don't have. Loving yourself and knowing that you are worth it especially if you have weight problems that erode your self esteem and make you super self conscious like yours truly. When you love yourself including your body, you will do things to nourish it well, make yourself beautiful, wear the nicest clothes and it will just naturally show up on the outside and people will love you more than every pound in your body.

Let us all make today a good day. It's important how you start the day right. Don't let distractions get in the way and appreciate that you have made it to another day and plan to live it right from the start.

So what are your wants that you want the universe to act upon? For me, I want to earn $300 from my online shop within the next few weeks and I want to get to know a sincere guy friend even it we start off as strangers because I need more guy friends :S and right know, that I.T. guy at work doesn't really count as we're just good colleagues..haha.

Plus positive thinking will only attract good things from the universe, according to the secret. To simplify it, I don't want to dwell on the negative things and instead, I want to channel my thoughts by imagining a better life for me and my family and not having to worry about money problems, debt and so on :)
I make support me!


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