While I mentioned before that what people say or do is basically their own prerogative, and the best thing to do is to just ignore some people. But I can't help but be more and more annoyed and I don't know if others may have felt that way especially when she talks, she is trying to be manipulative, in a sense but maybe she didn't do it consciously, that the world can't function without her. Sure she has some mad skills on organizing and is very independent but really, why she brings a particular person to such a higher level even though she doesn't report to him and chose to diss the actual person who writes her reports makes me think rather low of her. I think the last straw was when she called my boss a 'bitch' yesterday when she was finally out and why, I don't know. She's just trying to sway everyone's opinions that she's being 'bullied' which is just her tired excuse of she's leaving already, why she keeps dumping work on me. Like hello, you're still working there.
To me, it's such an unfair judgment because all these years, she works for her and then now, when this new P comes in and she starts to gush and be madly in luv with him though she keeps denying at first, she has this tinted rosy view on him. The last straw was when she said to not be surprised that if she leaves, she may just end up with him.
Oh God, someone please save me. You know I advocate for true love but some things just can't happened coz they're simply delusional. She reads too much into his actions, even a smile, coz come on, you looked at him and when he turned to look at you, of course he smiled lah coz he might be thinking, 'what the heck she's looking at me like that?' so he smiled as an awkward response.
Yes she's entitled to say what she wants to say, but seriously, bearing us down with her repetitive stories though she denies yet keep talking about the same ol' same ol' sh*t, I think we have come to a point we just grin and bear with it. I thought that I was the only one who thinks that way but when I see the strain in other people's faces listening to her, I'm like okay, I'm not alone, haha.
If you wanna make a big hoohaa that you're gonna leave, fine. But please don't remind us of that on an almost daily basis. It just keeps us wondering why you're still here and not gone for good instead of the projected five months later. Another five months of tortured listening to her constant whinings and etc. I thought normally when people say they want to leave, they will leave almost immediately after they complete their leaving notice like one month or two weeks.
While she's doing the countdown to leave, I'm also doing the countdown as to when she will shut up..sigh.
follow me at http://twitter.com/rahayupopz
To me, it's such an unfair judgment because all these years, she works for her and then now, when this new P comes in and she starts to gush and be madly in luv with him though she keeps denying at first, she has this tinted rosy view on him. The last straw was when she said to not be surprised that if she leaves, she may just end up with him.
Oh God, someone please save me. You know I advocate for true love but some things just can't happened coz they're simply delusional. She reads too much into his actions, even a smile, coz come on, you looked at him and when he turned to look at you, of course he smiled lah coz he might be thinking, 'what the heck she's looking at me like that?' so he smiled as an awkward response.
Yes she's entitled to say what she wants to say, but seriously, bearing us down with her repetitive stories though she denies yet keep talking about the same ol' same ol' sh*t, I think we have come to a point we just grin and bear with it. I thought that I was the only one who thinks that way but when I see the strain in other people's faces listening to her, I'm like okay, I'm not alone, haha.
If you wanna make a big hoohaa that you're gonna leave, fine. But please don't remind us of that on an almost daily basis. It just keeps us wondering why you're still here and not gone for good instead of the projected five months later. Another five months of tortured listening to her constant whinings and etc. I thought normally when people say they want to leave, they will leave almost immediately after they complete their leaving notice like one month or two weeks.
While she's doing the countdown to leave, I'm also doing the countdown as to when she will shut up..sigh.
follow me at http://twitter.com/rahayupopz