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Fitness - Strength training

 Im going to take on a new direction against for blogging. Actually I was supposed to write in this manner, meaning to say not just about my sad depressing state of life at the moment..heh. I am going to write stuffs that will be useful to you like my previous how to be stylish guide. At least you don't just come here to hear me whine..haha.

I feel like a teacher when I say this's topic of the day is 'Strength Training'. Im one of those who believes strength training works. I know a lot of women are put off by the thought of lifting weights coz they are afraid they will bulk up. Chances are, they won't. Those women who do bulk up, they are doing more than just lifting weights because their main agenda is to have the body of a bodybuilder. Their diet also plays a part which includes protein shakes and whatever food that can help them to bulk up.

Before I go on further, just what the heck is strength training. In my own words, it means building up your muscles so that you can use the muscles to work for you by burning more calories such as when you are doing your cardio exercises. When you strength train, you can also look leaner and more toned as you concentrate on certain core parts of your body. Also, when you are heavy and start losing weight, you won't have those jiggly bits. Your skin will be tighter which result in you looking more toned. 

For a more professional explanation on strength training, you can refer to this website which also explains the reasons women give against strength and weight training. If you are lazy to read, as on the website

"Strength training makes the body more efficient at burning fat," she explained. "It enhances your metabolism even while you're sitting at your desk."

You see that? Even sitting at your desk can help you burn calories. Ammaazzing!  But still no reason for me to skip the gym..drats.

When I was heavier and started to go the gym around the start of 2005, I concentrated on losing weight faster by getting on the treadmill and the elliptical machine only. But then I read somewhere that strength training, or at that point of time I read it as weight training, such as using the smaller dumbbells help you to build up muscles which in turn help you to lose more weight. At that point of time, Im game for anything to lose that much of weight..heh. I also started using the weight machines which was torturous at first and could only managed a few counts. But subsequently as I lost weight, I realized that I wasn't as flabby as I thought I would be which was quite typical of people losing quite a significant number of kilograms. By then, using the dumbbells and the weight machines aren't scary stuffs anymore and I got used to it including the muscle sore which I am experiencing at this point of time too as I blog :S Nevertheless, no pain no gain...haha.

Anyway, what's the diff between strength training and weight training, which I have also mentioned? Okay according to this website 

"Free weights are better for weight training than machine weight exercises. Free weight exercises provide the fastest results because you use more of the muscle you are working as well as other secondary muscles. Further, you will be working three-dimensionally, as compared to two dimensionally with machines, relying on strength AND balance during the exercise. When you work two-dimensionally, you do not have the added benefit of needing to balance the weight, which will limit the amount of muscles you exercise"
Basically it means that lifting weights such as dumbbells are better because you are making use of both your strength and balance rather than the weight machines as it do not provide you the balance. But to me, why not do both? If you go to the gym on a regular basis, for example three times a week, you can vary your exercises. Day one, you can use the dumb bells, day two, the weight machines and day three you can concentrate on your cardio exercises. The benefit of this also is so that you don't get bored. For me, as I can only afford to go to gyms on weekends, I usually do all three.

By the way, if you think three times per week to exercise is a bit too much, actually that is the recommended number of days. If you are a busy individual and like me, can only afford the weekends, do incorporate fitness into your daily lives as well. I've already talked about this. Namely do things to increase your fitness level such as stopping at an earlier bus stop and walking all the way later, climbing up the stairs instead of talking the lift. Trust me, they do sound like chores and may be an uphill battle, especially the climbing the stairs bit, but it works. For me, my calves look more toned although due to genes, they can't be skinny looking. My brother climbs the stairs too and he's leaner looking now. But then again, he climbs the stairs because he has a fear of the lift coz at one point of time, our lifts often break down.

The whole point of exercising and increasing your fitness level is not just to look good and feel better especially when you wear your clothes. If you are on the heavy side, of course this will be a good thing because I know how it's like to not be able to wear a lot of nice clothes and to be criticized by insensitive salespeople who declare in my face that there is 'NO SIZE!' At least now it's a bit better because they have bigger sizes which mostly mean they know we are getting heavier? heh..or it's just that they know not all of us are skinny.

So what is the point then? Easy. It's to prevent yourself from unnecessary medical problems or chronic illnesses such as diabetes and heart diseases.

So think about it. If you find it hard to get to the first step even, I suggest an exercise buddy. While you have an exercise buddy, learn to also be independent in the event your exercise buddy falters and decide to go into hibernation. 

I don't really like it when people are rather sceptical to even trying something out. But yet they complain. If you don't complain, fine, that is your prerogative. But if they complain such as oh, they won't look good wearing eye make up because their eyelids are too dark but then complain that they are not pretty and shoot down any suggestions on what colours suit them, I can't say further. Like I can't be bothered but at least I tried to help. Same as exercising. They may complain and they feel insecure about themselves such as when they compare themselves to someone else, but when suggest doing simple basic exercises, they again shoot the ideas down. 

But this is basically fear of the unknown. Crudely, I will say something else but I know where they come from coz personally I've been through it before like I can NEVER see the benefit of exercising and even felt dejected at first when I started working out as I could not see any results that I ended up taking slimming pills. In the end, persistent hard work brings results and not some miracle pills.

So come on! Do something. Don't just complain and complain. If people give suggestions, even if you may disagree at first, just listen to them and then think for yourself whether you want to take actions or continue whining.

Meanwhile I've got some pics to motivate you and give you an idea on what is strength training...

If you want more inspiration, look at this grandma...

All the best!

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