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Back to Field

Been awhile since i last me, in the blogging world, if you have not updated that long, you are considered MIA. But guess what? Im back..and shagged. I have started my field work and the 'best' thing of it all is that almost a week, I had been going to the western side of singapore. So Im practically travelling from one end to another. Nevertheless, to me, it is still an experience despite having done this job for the last five years. Why? Coz I never got an assignment where Im required to travel to the west side, coming from the east, concurrently for a few days. Despite the distance, it helps having a partner that you can work with and it seems that next month, I will be partnering here again..yay!

It was tiring and somehow, it served as an antidote to my semi-imsomnia. How do I know this? Coz I fell asleep on the couch a few times. And I didnt even know I was asleep until my mum or my brother woke me up to obviously tell me to sleep on my mattress like about 1 am plus in the morning. I came back late, surfed the net, watched a bit of tv and then tutor my brother with his homework which he is struggling a bit coz of new subjects and also coz of Maths which he struggles forever. But it's better than my so called vacation prior to going back to work.

I dont know what happened but I could finally fit in my Levi's jeans again where else previously, I could almost cry when I got bloated up and could not even zip up. NOt even half..zilch. I guess coz now I dont keep on munching due to work commitment (so not professional to munch and work at the same time when outfield) and also now that I dont sit for long stretches of hours at the pc like during the work vacation.

It could also be the herbal pills which I have been taking which I dont quite like the aroma of it but good thing they dont leave an after-taste. WOw, for a pack that costs only $4, I would say it is darn effective coz they did get rid of the bloatedness. Infact, I even think it made me look a bit younger and more youthful..and dare I say this...prettier..coz I was like looking at myself several times in the mirror and I sorta looked healthier. Eh, good...good..if I keep this up, I'll be entering a beauty pageant next.

Okay on to more serious things. Ronnie got through the next round..again! And he has a crush on one of the contestants..oh no! So much so when his crush got to the bottom 3, he actually blogged asking people to vote for his crush to continue in the running. Hello! They are your competitors..not your friends! Whats up? Dont disappoint me now Ronnie. If not, I will shift my focus to Perry!

Alright, now the REALLY serious things. Im sad coz over the weekend and half of this week, I have spent a bit of my savings coz die die, I have to pay bills coz it's part of survival. Plus, my printers ran out of ink and my brother needs to use it for his project and that one also, die die have to buy even if the two cartridges cost me 90 plus in total. Im SO sad coz I hate to spend money and I dont want to go back to my state of poverty. This is also the week when my brother has to attend his appointment with KKh which means..*gasp*...more money! You see my point now? These people are taking away my savings!

But I guess God saw my worry coz Im not thinking on behalf of myself but also my family and then yesterday, my supervisor said that we will be getting our pay which is pro-rated based on the number of days that we have worked. It will be around this week so I dont have to wait for an entire month before seeing the 'fruits' of my labour. It wont be that much but like my colleague said, well at least it's better than nothing and it could more or less make up for what I spent for the past few days settling bills and buying the printer cartridges.

So despite the complain, I feel a little bit more relaxed coz at the very least, I still have a job which brings in the income.

Alright! I just remembered that I forgot to do the 'geek speaks' last week! And to think I actually prepared already for it. Today the field location is nearer to my house (which explains why I can afford to blog in the morning) so I dont think I will be so dead beat tonight. Hopefully, I can make up for it tonight. And uhm..catch up on my facebook! Ah yes...two hours of dedication to facebook.


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