My colleagues had been planning on what to do with their payout and based on some suggestions, they wanted to get a little something for themselves as remembrance for our hard work with this department. The suggestions ranged from a ring, a expensive bag...that sort of luxury where they thought an opportunity like this would not come again or if it will, maybe not so soon. For me, honestly I dont have anything in mind. The only current thought is that I have is to get myself a handphone (which I have not decide which nokia model to get..or stick to the one that I..ahem..sold off), get hair treatment and get for my brother an ipod nano. But those are coming from my bonus only. Then of course there are other considerations like my studies and my family's need as to what I am going to do with my payout later on. Mariah was also on my side when she said that it's also better for me to keep for my family since we're a single...