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Make Up Bag Essentials

Do you girls actually bring a make up bag or at least a pressed powder, blotting paper or even a comb in your bag? I'm a girl and I am guilty of...not bringing such things! What the hey...

But really, whether you are girl in the early twenties, mid twenties..or like me, er...thirty-ish, we must aim to always look good. Sure we have some shabby moments like we just couldn't be bothered but even then, I think we should aim to look good 99% of the time.

Why? Not because of the men. Well, unless you are a swinging single and then you want to dress to impress.

Okay the reason why I'm talking about this is because I realize that I am not doing myself a favour. It just occurred to me as I was attending a course and then the second last segment of the course, a speaker from the charities department struck me in the head and I went like 'wowza'. Honestly, he isn't super hot but just well, can tell that he bothers enough about the way he looks and present himself. As I was 'glazing' over his good looks and tanned bod, I realize what a slob I am and ashamed to be called a girl because of this. I though that hey, he must be younger than me and then of course, he looks good and wait till he reaches a certain age.

Okay I think too much but then I was wrong. When he was trying out a system for us to see, he keyed in his IC number into it and my goodness, he is a good 5 years older than me. Yet he looks younger than me and even boyish looking. I'm stumped. He makes me look like his mother. 

But normally when I go on courses, I tend to dress up a bit all thanks to my mum because she makes an effort to select what clothes to wear and then I also put on a biiiit of make up like a brightening face powder and blusher because I will also be meeting other people. So I didn't look like his mother. Maybe his elder sister.

Then it occurred to me on another round like at this stage of my life, I should be up and about getting to know people especially guys. I've spoken numerous times on this before but it is just that well, I sheepishly have never made any guy friends unless you count the ones at my workplace which do not go beyond one hand.

While ultimately we should be judged not based on our looks but how well we get along with the person, somehow first impressions always last. As a woman, we must always try our best to make an effort to look good.

Yet sadly, while as much as I try to do that, mid day or at the end of the day, I look like such an unkempt mess. Sigh. Before reaching home from work, I only comb my hair once in the morning when I go to work and then never touch up my face and let the shine on my face be glorious looking.

If you are like me, it is high time we treat ourselves as high maintenance. Whether you are married, dating or a swinging single, we deserve to treat ourselves with respect starting from the way we dress and present ourselves.

So let's start off with a basic make up bag. Don't have one? Start small. Even if you don't put on make up every day, I think these are the essentials that you must have in the bag.

Wide tooth comb

Comb - a definite must which I swear I should start carrying coz my hair tends to get frizzy especially when exposed to aircon. 

Kleenex blotting paper

Blotting Paper - the kind to absorb the oil on your face. You can also use a pocket tissue. Personally I don't like this. I just dab using tissue paper.

ZA concealer

Concealer - you can get the one with the doe foot applicator or a tube kind and then dab dab and blend under your eyes and if I were to meet people, I will use them for the eyes so that they look brighter.

Maybelline matte dream powder

Pressed Powder - the best is to use it with a brush. You can get the retractable kind so that it can be stored easily and it's also more hygienic than sponge.

Sleek Rose Gold and Mac lipstick

Make up - you can stash a small make up kit with neutral colours in matte to make your peepers flutter worthy. You can also stash an eyeliner because if you already apply before you leave the house, halfway in the day, it will fade unless you get those long lasting ones like urban decay 24/7. For lipsticks, you can get those every day kind of lip colour like a peachy colour which is flattering for most skin tones and for most days. Should keep a perm one in your bag. Of course take note of the expiry dates as well. Get a longer lasting lipstick so that you don't always have to touch up on it. You can pack in a blusher because believe me, blushers can perk up your face. To further enhance your face, you can use a highlighter to enhance the top of your cheeks and nose bridge for instance.

Well, these are in my opinion, the essentials. Of course it is not exhaustive depending on what kind of people you meet and the kinds of occasions you are in.

If you want to be more comprehensive, you can read one of the top beauty blogger's post on touching your make up which I think is a really good and useful read:

Touching Up Your Make up

To me, never ever dress up because you want to impress your man or any man. Dress up because you are treating yourself with respect. While I don't deny that there are days where you just want to wear an over sized shirt, you shouldn't be sloppy most of the times. It may seem difficult to make it a habit to look good, but eventually you will like what you see and others may also like what they see and you may also be having a better social life. Then of course, like eveything else, you don't have to be friends with everyone.

The point is, be good to yourself. First thing, prep yourself a good make up bag, however small, with the most essential things that you will most likely use.

Good luck babes!

Oh, what is in YOUR make up bag?

Clinique mini make up bag

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