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Kooky Eater

It has been quite a while since I last blogged. Well Im still in one piece, dodged a few bullets here and there, seen the rainbow, watched a few people passing by me while lugging their trolleys with the brand new printers bought from the PC Show (curse u money loaded people!!), listened to old classic music (amidst former punk band..Blink 182..heh) and playing neopets.

Okay, let's say my obssession with neopets has gone a little too far...

how far? eh.....kooky far? well....somewhere around that region that apparently she has forgotten she has a life, not that she does much anyway. But hey, at least I managed to clean my room after living amidst a mess for the last few days.

Speaking of mess, my life has been quite messed up recently which I kinda tried to 'rectify' by a sudden binge of food. I would say that it was not as bad my previous 'binge moments' because the matter was resolved quite quickly but unfortunately, I cant say the same for my appetite. Another funny thing is that I dont usually feel so guilt wrecked whenever I have these moments because basically, I get to eat those sorta food that I dont normally consume coz of their unhealthiness. But I guess coz I didnt eat them for the longest time, I had trouble eating them and there were times I felt that I was forcing myself to eat them. I was going through a rough patch (what's new) so I was pretty much imbalanced emotionally.

Still, I held on strong and had some help which made things better. Starting from this Monday, I would have to go back to my regular lunch of oatmeal and bread because I think my tummy has taken quite a beating recently with the forced eating sessions. No more nestum though coz it doesnt taste as nice as it used to taste back then when I was younger. Infact, a lot of things dont taste as nice nowadays like for instance, instant noodles. Because of Singaporeans' growing need to lead a more healthier lifestyle (yeah..pft..right), and yet they want to eat with less guilt, even instant noodles have the healthy symbol attached, well at least the more popular brands.

Even though I begged to differ that they are healthier now because instant noodles can never be healthy so pls people, wake up, it wouldnt kill to eat them once in awhile. But the taste factor has apparently gone down the drain. I tell you, it's like eating boiled noodles with water with a slight bit taste of seasoning. Nothing beats the real deal. Or at least instant noodles prior to obtaining the healthier symbol.

Okay, enough about food. I saw this really cool promo yesterday in Orchard Road of a poster that resembled that of escaped suspected terrorist ( know who..the face that is plastered everywhere but still no news yet as to his whereabouts). Of course it brought about strange curiosity like eh, got another escaped convict? But upon closer inspection, there was no mistaking who that was:

If you read my blog previously, I put up a trailer of Dexter in his morning routine. Okay, just a quick info about the show. In America, the second season just ended. Now you see Dexter (Michael C Hall of Six Feet Under fame) above all smiley like in a twisted sort of way. But he is a cold blooded serial killer with absolutely no feeling of sympathy for his would be victims. His relationships with people are basically created as a cover up. By day, he is a blood splatter analyst but at night, he is a serial killer with a penchant for using tools like plastic bags to kill these victims. But these are not regular people but those of whom he believed deserved to be killed.

As usual, you can read a more extensive coverage of Dexter on this wiki site:


I tried to find out which channel they are going to show Dexter because I didnt manage to read the promo. Well, my search has not ended but Im still thinking on whether I want to watch it coz of the gruesomeness. Then again, Michael is an excellent and daring actor who does not flinch in his roles making them so real.

So for Michael's sake..I might just *gulp* catch an episode of it.

Gosh, there is so much to blog but I feel so emotionally drained out. Well at least it's still a decent entry.

The one and only,

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