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Featured Blog: People Like Us

The featured blog that I am about to talk about may be controversial not because they want to purposely create sensation but merely to educate. If you have heard about the fight for LGBT rights, or read about it, you know their long struggle to be treated as an equal irregardless of gender and sexual orientation.

But it is a fight that is not going down and every step in improving the mindset of the general masses is applauded. It is also their way of saying that despite the general knowledge that we have become more liberal and open in embracing a more diversified society, that liberal stand is a mere speck of the dust.

In other words, there is so much work to be done. But thanks to the persistent efforts of activists and LGBT societies, there is a gradual change towards acceptance.

Actually, the featured blog is, get this, from Singapore, and it is very well written and updated with historical citations and the viewpoints from various religions. They dont go all out to criticise the government on their biased stand against this group of people in Singapore but are actually upset for being treated like second class citizens. Still this does not deter them from continuing to organize events and increase public awareness that they have the right to be treated as equals, at least in the government's eye.

Anyway, I am not here to change you because everyone is entitled to their own opinions. But do check out their blog and read it with an open mind. For myself, I basically am all for human rights so I took the time to do a small write up regarding their blog and feature them here.

Check out the blog at People Like Us

The one and only,

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