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Okay, so after this..I wouldn't bombard my blog with snippets from Brokeback Mountain. Actuallie after I wrote that last entry, I did a double take on the ending in my head. It just didnt seem right....I wouldnt think ang lee would have the conclusion like to what really happened to Jack. The truth was...Jack didn't die in an accident. It was more horrific than that...which I didn't want to much as I wouldn't want to believe it. Only thing was, Ennis's fear of what actuallie happened to Jack as he listened to Jack's wife giving details of the 'accident' was unfortunately, the truth in itself. The very thing that Ennis tried to protect them both from, which only led to Jack's frustrations and his eventual death, finally caught on one of them but Ennis wasn't involved this time. Only thing left were painful memories behind two bloodied shirts from their fight...and Ennis in tears over his lost love. Throughout the movie, we knew that both of them had loved each other over two decades but in the final scene, we also knew who was the one with the more genuine love towards the other. enough of it already. It's one heck of an epic...though I would still say the middle part right up to Jack's death, was dead boring. Except for their scenes together, the timeline of twenty years was maybe..a bit too farfetched.

Anyhow, i wanted to introduce to you a singer cum songwriter of whom I thought is extremely talented. Jason Mraz!!! Actuallie I did hear of his name everytime I heard any of his songs (though I didn't figure it was him till end of the songs) coz they're so darn catchy with his vocals so crystal clear. They're in the sense..pretty much a sing least in the chorus part. Other than that, this guy sings according to his own rhythm....and it doesn't help that he has a glib tongue. So he rolls over some words in his they're some darn tongue twisters..but hey, I find it unique. His new album...has more musical influences than the previous album....which steered more towards the conventional catchy love songs.

However, conventional or not...there is definitely no 'cookie cut' acoustic versions of his songs heard on the radio. Every version is like I said, he sings each song to his own tune in his head while maintaining its originality. And he didn't even have to rehearse or warm up first! It's just okay..u want this song..and he'll play for questions asked! Without hiccups..anytime of the day...even in the morning (where some people like me haven't got their voice yet)! Okaylah..he was in Singapore very recently..actuallie, on Friday he held a sold out performance. And also the day when I bought the album..hee...Hrm, very different from what I usually ahem..the Gorillaz although they're pretty similar. Like they don't have a definite category for you to put them in. And Jason's amazing yet easy going vocals...accompanied with his guitar.....give his songs some edgy twist. But if you think that most of his songs will sound like the ones that were given airplay, then you're wrong. Turns out, most of it...are songs which have well written and meaningful lyrics...but the music can be quite a bore. So, I'd say he's more of a songwriter than a composer....till he picks up his guitar and sings his head and uncut. Now that will add on to his resume as a superb live performer.

Anyhow, I tot he'd look like James Blunt...or just some guy with a handsome masculine look like any typical male singers. But when I surfed down to his website....and saw his pictures...i tot wah, so young?!! He has a pretty skinny frame like a teenager who is still growing...and impossibly boyish looks give his impish looking face and clean cut hairstyle. Oh and you know...his website is also a creative outlet for him...and his not like your typical bio. He doesnt want his bio to be based on his past but on his present and future. So forget about him revealing his date of birth and where he was born..And me..who is hoping that I am not about to like a singer younger than me ( selfish) was relieved...and at the same time...puzzled coz he was in 1977. What the heck? That puts him in his late twenties. He doesn't even look like he is past his teens! Oh well..I guess music gives him youth. Anyway, if you don't believe me...just go this website and listen to his music, watch his videos and stare in disbelief at his boyish looks.


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