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"You believe in Supernaturals?" I didn't manage to get my manicure done because the minute i wrote about that mini review on the wait..i didn't...i merely gave the intro...ok wateva....i suddenly got scared if me cutting nails at around 10pm at nite is a no-no. Well...u know i got paranoid after watching the movie and even though some facts i know u dont go around stepping on the prayers things or disturb it..there's just a lot of these do's and don'ts that get u pondering..gee have i broken any of them?!! The last thing i want is the ability to see ghosts...especially during the hungry ghost festival....and even though i'm not chinese and i dont practise their religion....but when it comes to (taking a quick record breaker sey..the mcdonalds b'fast delivery actuallie come so fast today!) religious practises that involve the supernaturals, sometimes u have to be careful. EXTRA careful...

I don't know about u all...but do u believe in ghosts? For me.....i have yet encountered something in yer face..but when i was younger...i sometimes will hear people call my name in a whispery manner. Then i'll turn back..naturally...and ask my mum if she called me..She say no but warned me if next time if u hear someone calling u..jz ignore it. And came to the point where it was my own mum calling me and i would be ignorant till she was like...'DIDN'T U HEAR ME CALLING YOU?!!!' confuuuuuuuuuusinGggg....but then i came up with my own solution like if I happen to hear someone calling me in a familiar voice..see my mum and what she was doin' like justifying if she reallie did call me..but then it stopped. Coz my mum said if i wasnt sure what was calling me..don't turn around. And true enuf..this movie was like warning to the maid..and maybe to us too...i dunno...that if u walk alone in the middle of the nite..and something calls u out...Dont..Turn..Back..but i wouldn't be walking alone in the first place.....scary sey.

Have you ever had any incidents..say...supernatural incidents? My mum and a few others would say that it's not good to stare or point at something unusual especially at nite because it's like telling whatever that thing know of its existence. For me..i do believe that there is an alter universe. And then recently...k..more like after watching Incredible Tales..after someone dies, the dead person doesn't really know that it's roams around the place where it last died...replaying back its role prior to its death and those who were unfortunate enough to be caught in during one of the replays..would somehow experience like a flashback as to how the person could have died. Why I said replaying....because the memory held prior to its death is the most strongest memory. So somehow the soul is 'trapped' in the world where its onlie recollection is the time prior to its death. And if say..the soul comes to realise how it would search for those who has killed revenge...or seek the help of a human being..probably one who can see its existence or is gullible help it finish its unfinished business. It is onlie then can the soul rest in peace but if it has not finished what it has can roam the earth forever.

Scary huh? It really makes u wonder what will happen to ur soul if you die? That's religion says that you should never try to make promises like..'ok! i shall see u tmw!' Life is is death. Who knows if *touch wood*...i leave the world suddenly...and my last recollection is going to the place where I am supposed to be. It would thus be a haunting of some sort as i haunt the place..say..the usual meeting place that i am supposed to be prior to my 'death'..But my religion says that if there is a need for u to make a promise to someone...don't agree quickly..just say...'if god willing, then i'll meet u'. Something like i may tell u that i'll meet u tmw but if onlie if i am 'fated' to meet u there. Because everything that u do or already written in the book of fate. So, if it means that God has already written in the book that you will meet ur friend tmw, then u will meet ur friend. Wah..talking about it gives me the shiver. No not coz of its unpredictable situation..but me making promises to people coz i seldom keep...bwhahaha...

Okay..i may be wrong in what i have just said coz in the first place..I don't have that strong a religious backing. So if u need to lash me..don't..just correct me. But if u still don't believe in ghosts......u can always rely on logic reasonings. If based on ur logic reasonings that it cant possibly be 'logic' if u happened to encounter anything.....well......what can i say..heh heh heh....

But i should really symphatise those who are just born with the third when u watch sixth sense? Yeah..the boy who can see ghosts? Like my colleague who can see ghosts............and she says there is a ghost who likes to be in the corner of my office *faints* now, with her younger daughter having the ability to see ghosts recently has been an eye opener for her. But one advice she gives to everyone is....if u see it....just ignore and walk away....if u don't disturb them...they won't disturb u because they probably know that u cant help them waste their time lah. Poor girl.......she was scared stiff....and what is worse..for when she can see ghosts in our building when she comes for a visit whenever we have one of those 'fun' days like pre holidays when we spend the morning in the office...eating buffets or holding our own tea time. Then one of those time when she went to the staff toilet at the end....and while she was in the handicapped toilet...she saw that thing sprawled on the ceiling. After she warned us not to go to the staff toilets there...there are some who really never go to the staff toilets there no more. I still go lah..sometimes alone....coz u can't think too much about it lah..i get scared i quickly walk away..but if i dont think about it....or brush it aside..there's really nothing to be scared about. I even had a couple of times..bathing in the shower like around 6.30pm after my gym alone and not one single person entered the shower. I do admit i was scared..but u really can't think too much about it. Sometimes its just a mind's play.

But i still say......always be careful. Sometimes the more u dont believe..people will say the more it will come to ya like as if challenging u to what u believe in. But just believe in urself......act normal...and of course have respect for other religion just as how u want them to respect urs. Don't simply dismiss what u think are old wives' tales....just act normal...dont try to be funny too such as challenging them.

Okay..the hungry ghost festival is coming to an end pretty soon...good.......luck.......................


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