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"Saturday gatheRing with ma FrienDs"

wow..taufik batisah has such a handsome and suave good friend in the show Shooting Stars...although his friend looked like a lost ang moh looking dude who grabs this chance jz to appear on tv and get more offers thereafter..or or! A misplaced new actor who comes to Singapore to look for acting cum modelling opportunities but if it doesnt least he can grab the sarong of some party gal. Someone pls tell me im a meanie.. whole point is to talk about what happened last saturday. Gosh, I almost forgot. There is so much to little time..argh! or I'm just plain lazy..argh!

SO where do i start? when i came to city hall i expected to see a bunch of them waiting for me alreadi since u see..i'm never the earlie bird sort of person..heh. Aniwae, there was angie and azam waiting and azam wearing a cool looking black shirt! wooh! the gals ( u know who u are!) who tot he didnt look nice in it, gosh..........should come to my guy fahionwear appreciation crash course. instant new knowledge on separating the duds from the studs! So..aniwae! after that minor divertion..was midly suprised come we go off alreadi? like aren't we waiting for the rest? Then they told me..that they would be joining for dinner onlie. huh?! was my u mean i can onlie see them much later? gee..oh well, two is better than none for now.

prior to that..azam mentioned briefly that we were going to bowl or something. was so unprepared for wasn't looking fwd to it or something coz didn't know that was also part of the plan. but i didn't want to appear like a spoilsport or i went along the twist and turns of marina square which is forever under renovation. The place is beyond recognition now! wowz...what happened to the old school charm? and angie was starting to lose confident in azam alreadi coz we never seemed to reach the bowling alley or something. But during that uhm..journey..was reallie having second thoughts about this bowling thing. Coz i totally suck in ball i sucked at the company of frens who are better players...i'm i have to? and some more no sherry tot that if i don't least got someone to talk to coz i'm closer to her than the rest. but of course lah..i'm cool with everybody too..

then angie said she's not playing..i'm like..okay! i shant play too coz i totally suck at bowling (rite! i fess up! i did play before and it was a horrible experience..) But they kinda forced me to don't be a spoilsport or someting..but it was more like coz they wanted to acquire enough people to be able to play in the lane allocated. Then i of course...told myself..k rahyu..don't be a spoilsport..just go and 'hentam' (anyhow play) the ball..not gonna spoil the mood or something. but seriously..i wasn't in the mood lah. was upset over the whole bowling thing coz now don't i just suck at pool..i suck at bowling too! then was thinking..okay..maybe this isn't gonna be a great outing after all. Was reallie trying to be like min who is a first timer too but she still can at least..knock down some pins. BUt me? haiz...'merry go round the guttery bush..the guttery bush..the guttery bush...'...Wah..SUCKs!!!

note to others: i'm reallie not angry at u all for making me bowl coz u guys were supportive (probably the guilt in forcing me to play..bwahahaha..) but doesn't it just suck that it's sheer the crowded bowling alley...and ur bowling ball just WONT go freakin' straight..WAH!!

anyway..GLAD it was over. It was the longest err...time of my life! remind me to just make up some silly excuse to escape any pool or bowling haiz..finalie am looking fwd to the fun part of the gathering after that shaky start!

yupz..min devised this plan of saying she went to meet a friend or she can collect the cake from swensons. So, i'm basically with the part of the gang that yes..i can talk to them..but i can't reallie talk to them on my own sometimes i dont understand their jokes or what they're trying to say..coz they're like so witty compared to dumb ol' me..sometimes i feel stupid talking to em coz i totally dont make sense..haha..but basically they're still my friends so i just went along with em.

we hang out at starbucks for awhile..and i got my fave hot cocoa coz i'm not a fan of coffee lah..hehe..and yes, i'm missing the brownie or choco muffin! haha..but aight..not a problem. Make up for it yesterday alreadi..haha..aniwae..they were busie calling aznur who didn't reallie answer them or msg them back..but fyi..she did come lah though she didn't look too happy or something. Oh well...she did cheer up later.

Took some pics at starbucks basically of the boys and gals..wah..they came in pairs! but of coz..rahayupopz gatecrash!

me and my boys! who is the babe in the middle?'s just me.

best friends? not that rahayu cant help but be in the center of attention!..heh

Then sherry came and yes...we could have our dinner finallie! wooh!..........sherry talked about her stuffs to me like how she wants to sell her stuffs online. I can so help u in that sherry! i love online shopping..u have no idea the kinds of bargains at a click away! for a cheapo like's a dream come true. I shall make sherry's dreams come true too...heh.

RIte..shall continue with the part two of the gathering!


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