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"I am So Sick...*sniffs*"

i am sick...sick sick's amazing how i can live through the day at werk...fina'llie doing something about the long overdue project which I, yes I..had the 'fortune' to start the ball rolling coz apparently, I am the assistant wits leader. The actuallie wits leader had quit way before she started her post...and i guess she tot that this would be a perfect opportunity to quit she had no other way to run after trying like two three years to run away from the responsibility. Well.......GOOD FOR HER! So now...leaving me with the gawd damn task of trying to convince the people in my team that somewhere in between their brain cavities....are some ideas. Ideas that may or may not sound good or easy enough to implement but will fill up space on the paper. Yes..this is what u get when you put someone who is full of crap in charge of such project. You get er..full of crap! Crap that is going to be read by the facilitator..crap that is gonna be read by the overall in charge of the WITs in my company (of whom believe someone whose clueless about WITs but is NOT clueless when it comes to thrashing people's ideas..esp..if she has no idea what they're talking about). Now people are most fearful of her. I never spoke to her...but according to those who encountered her first hand...she questions you. A LOT. Chey..I bet she asks a lot of ridiculous questions. Questions that she probably has the answers alreadi but ask for the sake for if saying who is the boss here. Well..what can I say. IT is THE project that will determine if you get 50 dollars for your team upon successful completion and implementation. It is THE project that also determines the size of your march bonus. It is THE project that catapults your team to a higher state of recognition in your dept coz you eventually show to the snobby colleagues of other depts that you are NO LONGER a small fry. At least til the convention is over which you have lost 'graciously' to those same snobby colleagues.
Told ya i am full of crap. But you know who is the biggest shithead around? Our team's facilitator who is supposed to oversee the whole thing. He to us about this project few months back...coz er....our boss was like asking who he had eventually chose as the next leader...and he was like...err...err...'I duno..................' *blank face*... So it was our own boss who, in a fingers snap...chose the leader and me..the assistant leader...coz apparently i attended the wits leadership course which I had no idea what was going on. And i was sick on the second day of training..which was to me..a good thing.....heh..coz I felt like an absolute idiot there. I tot I was more concerned about my contact-lensed eyes than anything else.....coz instead of making me feel like a lot sexier sans my made me look like a clumsy monster with two red eyes thanks to my super sensitive corneas. Hrmph....

ANIWae....f.Y.I......during this week....when his assistant had dilligently blocked the dates for the first and subsequent meetings....u know where he went? Probably bonking his wife ALA jessica simpson and nick lachey in 'The Newlyweds' coz apparently he just got married this year. And what better way to spend our nation's birthday than in our own darn birthday suits. K...he took a week long rest. And that bozo....(in case u're wondering who is it this's the same person..many nicks...clown..birdie....gee gee..etc etc..)..And yup..this is ALSO the perfect time to take that long awaited rest....coz this week, there will be rehearsals for the upcoming graduation ceremony for those who passed their exams. Yay! *pukes...* wait til they start the actual work. Look who's puking then...And him..being in charge of this thing..also tot that hey...if this rehearsals thingey ended up as a least he's not around to witness it? Or the whole ceremony sucked on that day itself...he'd probably be like....'eh, you can't blame me...i wasn't there to direct so they all sucked not coz me..'

Whateva shithead...coz of him too i can't progress that much for the wits project stuffs..which i was planning to get it over and done with quickly coz we need his approval for our project title before carrying on. PERFECT. Waste my bloody time. Soon that same blood will write 'YOU.DIE.' on his wall near his cubicle when he comes back. Arrrghhh!! No wonder I am so down with flu. It's bad KaRma...'HELP.ME.'


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