To be honest, I actually have sensitive skin. It used to be really bad when I was younger and I used to break out in bad rashes and also would have hard swollen bits that had water in them and they looked super ugly. I don't have those pusses anymore but just few years ago, I had a bad case of rash that broke out around my ankle and feet area. At times they appear but the best battle to win against them is to simply apply rich moisturizer every day and to watch my diet such as being careful not to consume too much sugar because I have a high sugar content in my blood already due to genes as diabetes runs on my father's side of family. Feet are one thing but I also have an oily and sensitive skin on my face. As my face tends to break out easily like annoying pimples pop up every now and then which will leave behind pretty ugly black marks, I can't be a babe who spends like almost half an hour (or more even) to apply make up so as to look and feel beautiful. Sad fact but w...