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Not just a Prick

I went for yet another medical check up yesterday. Well, on one hand I should be thankful that I have been given this opportunity ( thanking the oscars) for a check up because it could be a clear indication that I might have scored the interview with MOE. I mean, come to think of it on Friday as I was contemplating about it, why would they spend money on sponsoring for the medical check up, with a renowned private group clinic, and then telling me that I dont get a job offer from them? It would be a waste of money on their part, wouldnt it? My colleague's sister who had gone through this same process to become a trainee teacher, said that unless she had a major seizure that day, this check up requirement means that she got a job already and they just want to ascertain we are physically fit for the job.

Let's just hope for the best. So yah, despite the scare fest with the blood test ( so rhymes!) where it was a mere prick but enough to send me 'flying' minutes later, I think I might have pulled through. Except for this suspicion that I might have thyroid coz of my little difficulty of swallowing my saliva due to my nervousness and my pretty bad throat that went through sores pretty often when I was younger.

Anyhoo, it was a good thing she came with me to the check up coz I think would crumble under the pressure of going alone. Im independent..but Im a wussy when it comes to medical check ups.

My colleague was saying that if we were to get this job, it means one thing: we are going to miss our dear colleagues. Okay, I know what she means but over the years, I went through this sort of feeling before. Now I feel that I am more ready than ever to move on so the part where I am supposed to miss my almost gone. But of course, Im not that heartless and I will miss them for sure.

But I dont want to talk much about this future event for now until I get my final confirmation as to whether I will leave behind my current job and colleagues and go on to this prospective employer.

So exciting!

Well, after the check up, we were hungry and thought that maybe we should grab a bite. She was just talking about some colleague of ours backstabbing our new supervisor (but coming from her, it's no surprise..I never liked her anyway) and then she thinks that we cannot be trusted. See lah, there goes our reputation and then because of this, everyone will be affected. Please, dont be so selfish and think that we all think the same way as you do so dont voice out stating that you're speaking on behalf of everybody. Sometimes, I dont get this kind of people who run the show in their own manner, shutting out everyone else, and then if a problem crops up, they are the first person to run or chuck the problem to someone else. And Im not even talking about someone who is in her twenties and often says that she is a 'recycled virgin' just because she is

Enough about office politics. Anyway, I do miss hanging out with this colleague of mine ever since we were separated last year due to the cluster system. She's a charming girl who is pretty in her own ways and with a great fashion style and always have me in awe of her. Now I have probably said this a few times already but I wish Im a bit like her and not fashion impaired like I am right now. Plus, she is not on the small side though she is petite but she dresses well enough and has this 'who cares' aura that she just oozes charm. Where else for me, I can be a bit paranoid sometimes over body issues that can be a bit of an overkill.

She is an inspiration to me, in that manner. Yesterday, she was a bit under dressed though still oozes that same sex appeal especially when she wears that skinny fitting pants with a jeans like material and with a giordano green shirt and a black cardigan. When we were out of the building and crossing over to go to City Hall, in less than five minutes, Malay guys (who are very much..uneducated...hrmph..) were teasing her while they were driving past in the van, and as we finished crossing, the building cleaners were wolf whistling at her making her remark to me that there are so many 'burung tiong' (mynahs) in the morning. I was like...well..'hari nak hujan' (it's going to rain soon) and then after crossing the road and starting our walk again, another Malay guy cleaner who was mopping outside the bank building, he started serenading her with an old Malay love song.

Oh, I suppose I mentioned that all this was within a space of less than five minutes? Can you believe that?!!

I want to get one wolf whistle also difficult..not that Im wishing for one from these imbeciles...

See what I mean when I say that she oozes sex appeal even when in this instance, she under dresses compared to other days. Anyway, I said the attention was directed at her because they get it figured out fast that she's malay while people take time to ascertain my race and certainly not from a pretty far distance. But it's okay, anything to get rid of unwanted attention.

OH! OH! I got two new pair of heels! Well, I have not bought a pair ever since july 2007. Why is that? Okay besides the obvious fact that I lacked the ka-ching-ching, the last pair I bought was pretty disasterous coz I bought it on impulse and did not wear it until recently. And Im not someone who is addicted to shoes and dont often vary them as part of personal style coz of field work which requires me to walk quite a lot. Oh, about the last pair..okay..make it two coz I suddenly remembered, it was two pairs actually.

Okay fine I like it though the heels are a bit steep but heck, if it's on sale seventeen dollars only, who cares. But it was the other one that I had some prob with coz the sales promoter was quite irritating as she was hovering around me and I ended up buying a pretty ill fitting one.

So I had to buy a new months later..coz I only wore it last Thursday and it was pretty bad though pretty nice looking. The bows sold me out when I bought it the other time. I bought a new one last Friday that so called compensated for it coz I didnt think Im going to wear it again and recently I had thrown quite a lot of pairs away as they were worn out. I didnt expect to buy yet another one yesterday coz I wore the ill fitting one and my feet felt like they were on fire and I had to make a long distance journey to buy food for the family.

But okay, fine, it was on sales and I managed to get a pair for under twenty bucks from URS, my usual shopping hunt for shoes. It is not exactly the design that I would buy but since it is simple enough and for sale for half the price, I bought it. If my feet were not aching, I would have bought that green top from Dorothy Perkins instead at 13 bucks only but alas, I was not about to let my feet suffer for another sec...haiz.

Yah, I had to backtrack a bit to the medical check up part. Apparently, I thought that i had been so nervous about the impending jab (which turned out to be just a prick) and mistaken a tube looking like a syringe to collect my blood sample, I almost misplaced my IC or identity card. I put in the wrong compartment of my wallet so when I was about to pay and saw the usual slot for the card was empty, I panicked.

I calmed down five minutes later after frantically searching the whole of my wallet and then as I looked at my wallet yet again, I saw a bulge in the ez link compartment which I had not looked in yet. Sure enough, my IC was there.

Very the drama, you know!

And I had not even covered the part on the trail of thoughts that followed when I first thought I lost my IC down to the point of how much I had to pay for its loss and then how it is going to affect my budget. I was already angry for myself for being careless and this carelessness involves money which piss me off more than the fact that I will be without identification. Yah, the money part is always the most important.

So anyway, back to work tomorrow and I will be covering Woodlands for the first time though just half a day. And then I have to report to the other work base in Choa Chu Kang which has pretty tight security. By the way, now my team has an additional member. Hrm, maybe God is gearing me up for a smooth departure once I leave so there is less complication? I dont know if I mentioned this already but they are also taking in two new people which are also my ex colleagues.

Like I always say, hope..for the? What I say? Yes...Best! All of you had finally got it.


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