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Wake Up Call

My mum is getting better but she cannot move too much after the surgery because her wounds are still healing. I still don't know the results of the tumour like what is it and if it is cancerous.Yesterday, I got a call from the social worker and she asked some questions, and then based on my answers, she said that I qualify for 100% medifund which means that my mum's outpatient bills such as seeing the doctors and medicine will be free. That's good news. So tomorrow I have to come early to the hospital at 11am to do the application form and submit the relevant documents. Since my medisave is still enough (hopefully, I don't know how much is the surgery :S) to cover for her inpatient treatment at the hospital, they won't render assistance for it. Actually, I was hoping they can assist but it's okay. Anyway, since my medisave has been used, then I just have to take extra care of myself so that I can spend the next few years rebuilding back my medisave for future hospital bills incurred coz basically I don't have insurance so that is my only source of funds. My mum can also make use of it.

By the way, I have got a bit used to waking up early in the morning to iron, do the laundry, prepare breakfast and then hanging the laundry in no particular order. Of course there were some blunders like I didn't know my brother's underwear has all been worn so he had to wear yesterday's one. Then, forgetting to dry my brother's socks and had to dry it infront of the fan which only let it to being half dry instead. Oh, I also forgot to keep the remaining food on the table in the fridge such as the soya bean milk. But these are all learning points and I learn to multi task. Heck, I even arrived early to work yesterday despite having to run errand where I had to drop by the self paying machine to pay for my utilities bill.

Money wise, well it's not so bad except for transport coz as I go to the hospital daily after work. But Im trying to cope and we did get money from well wishers namely my mum and my father's relatives so we also use that to get by. I would say they're pretty generous and I am thankful for it. And at one point, I didn't eat much coz I was trying to save money and I ended up feeling very faint by the time I reached the hospital in the late evening and was this close to fainting. Luckily I ended up at the waiting area on time before I mustered enough energy to get myself a cup of milo.

I really hope my mum will get better with each passing day even though she's not that mobile yet. I will pray for her like how I prayed for her successful operations. Dear God, thank you for taking care of our family and please continue to look after us.

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